Maintenance Forms & Records Flashcards
Who makes the 100-hour inspection maintenance record entry?
Whoever is approving or disapproving the aircraft for return to service.
What records must be made of a 100-hour inspection before the aircraft is approved for return to service?
An entry must be made in the aircraft maintenance records that describes the type, the extent, and the date of the inspection; the aircraft total time in service; the signature, and the certificate type and number of the person approving or disapproving the aircraft for return to service.
List minimum logbook entries required after maintenance.
Date of completion, and description of work performed or reference to acceptable data. Name of person performing work, and signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the person approving the work.
What record must be made of a major repair to an aircraft structure?
An FAA Form 337 must be completed for the repair, and a record must be made in the aircraft maintenance records referencing the Form 337 by its date.
For how long must the record of a 100-hour inspection be kept?
For one year or until the next 100-hour inspection is completed.
How long are AD entries retained?
Until aircraft is destroyed or permanently removed from service. If aircraft is sold, must be transferred with it.
Who is authorized to rebuild an aircraft engine and issue a zero time maintenance record?
Only the manufacturer of the engine or a repair station approved by the manufacturer.
Which FAR contains the minimum information for record entry for a 100 hour inspection?
FAR Part 43.11
How many copies must be made of a Form 337 after a major airframe repair? What is the disposition of each of the copies?
At least two copies must be made. The original signed form goes to the aircraft owner, and a copy goes to the FAA district office.
When is a 3rd copy of Form 337 needed?
When an additional fuel tank is installed in a passenger or baggage compartment, one stays on board.
How do you properly enter discrepancies found during a 100-hour or annual inspection?
Make a maintenance log book entry and provide a list of discrepancies to the aircraft owner/operator.
Define time in service (TIS).
From when the aircraft leaves the surface of the Earth, until it touches down again at the next point of landing.
What regulation gives inspection authorization?
FAR Part 65.95
What are the penalties for making fraudulent entries in aircraft log books?
Suspension or revocation of certificates (FAR Part 43.12).
Who may make a maintenance record entry for approval for return to service after a progressive inspection is performed when away from the aircraft’s maintenance base?
Applicable certified mechanic, appropriately rated repair station, and aircraft manufacturer.
Differentiate between the terms “overhaul” and “rebuilding” as it pertains to aircraft engine maintenance records.
Overhauled engines must be tested to approved current standards and technical data. Rebuilt engines must conform to new part tolerances and limits.
When is total time in service (TTIS) needed in a log book entry?
Inspection entries.
Where could one find the minimum scope and detail of a 100-hour or annual inspection?
In FAR Part 43, Appendix D.
What systems on a rotorcraft are required to be inspected, in accordance with the maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness of the manufacturer, concerned when performing an inspection required by FAR Part 91?
The drive shafts or similar systems, the main rotor transmission gearbox for obvious defects, the main rotor and center section, and the auxiliary rotor on helicopters.
Name two ways to identify serviceable parts/accessories prior to installation on an aircraft.
An approval for return to service entry in the maintenance record of that equipment for the part, or FAA Form 337.
What action must a mechanic take if the aircraft being inspected during a 100-hour inspection fails because of an unairworthy component?
The aircraft maintenance records must indicate that the aircraft has been inspected and found to be in an unairworthy condition because of certain discrepancies. A signed and dated list of these discrepancies must be given to the owner or lessee of the aircraft.
What record must be made of the compliance of an Airworthiness Directive?
An entry must be made in the aircraft maintenance records stating that the AD has been complied with. The entry must include the AD number and revision date, the date of compliance, the aircraft total time in service, the method of compliance and whether or not this is a recurring AD. If it is a recurring AD, the time of next compliance must be noted.
Who is authorized to perform a 100-hour inspection on an aircraft?
A certified mechanic who holds an Airframe and a Powerplant rating.
FAR Parts 65.81, 65.85, and 65.87
Who is authorized to perform an annual inspection on an aircraft?
A certificated A&P mechanic who holds an Inspection Authorization.
FAR Part 65.95
Can a certificated A&P mechanic supervise an unlicensed person as the unlicensed person performs a 100-hour on an aircraft?
No, a certificated mechanic must personally perform the inspection.
Where can you find a list of the basic items that must be inspected on a 100-hour inspection?
In FAR Part 43, Appendix D.
Where can you find an example of the correct type of write-up to use for recording a 100-hour inspection in the aircraft maintenance records?
In FAR Part 43.11.
What is done with the aircraft maintenance records that include the current status of the applicable Airworthiness Directives when the aircraft is sold?
These maintenance records must be transferred with the aircraft when it is sold.
What is meant by a progressive inspection?
An inspection that is approved by the FAA Flight Standards District Office in which an aircraft is inspected according to an approved schedule. This allows the complete inspection to be conducted over a period of time without having to keep the aircraft out of service as long as would be necessary to perform the entire inspection at one time.
Who is authorized to rebuild an aircraft engine and issue a zero time maintenance record?
Only the manufacturer of the engine or a facility approved by the manufacturer.