Maintenance Publications Flashcards
When must a manufacturer’s service bulletin be complied with?
When it is required by airworthiness directives or is listed in the aircraft TCDS and/or aircraft specifications.
In what information provided by the FAA can a mechanic find a list of the engines that are approved for a specific FAA certificated airplane?
In the Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS) for the aircraft.
What type of information is issued by the manufacturer of an aircraft or engine that allows the mechanic to properly maintain the aircraft or engine?
FAA-approved service manuals.
How would you find the categories a plane is approved in?
Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS).
What is the purpose of an Airworthiness Directive?
An Airworthiness Directive is issued by the FAA to warn the owner or operator of an aircraft of a condition that has been discovered that renders the aircraft, engine or component unairworthy.
What publication corrects unsafe conditions?
Airworthiness Directive (AD).
When must AD’s be complied with?
As directed in the AD.
What publication is used by aircraft manufacturers to notify aircraft owners of design defects and product improvements?
Service bulletins, service letters, and service instructions.
What publication is used to determine dimensional serviceability of a specific engine part?
Engine manufacturer’s overhaul manual.
What publication describes an aircrafts type design and sets forth the limitations?
Aircraft specifications or TCDS.
What regulation prescribed the requirements for the issue of type certificates?
FAR Part 21.
In what part of the regulations can a mechanic find the airworthiness standards for transport category aircraft?
FAR Part 25.
What are Advisory Circulars?
Non-regulatory material of interest to the aviation public.
When is the summary of airworthiness directives published?
Every other year.
Are AD’s issued to certificated mechanics?
Who is responsible for ensuring that only the most current information is used when performing any maintenance on an aircraft?
The mechanic performing the maintenance.
On older aircraft for which manuals are not available, what publications could be used to inspect and maintain these aircraft?
Use Advisory Circular 43.13-1B/2B
In what part of the regulations can a mechanic find a list of items that must be inspected on an annual or 100-hour inspection?
FAR Part 43, Appendix D.
Where can you find the classification for major repairs or alterations?
FAR Part 43 Appendix A.
How do subscribers to the Summary of Airworthiness Directives receive AD updates?
Through biweekly supplements.
What is an FAA Advisory Circular?
A publication put out by the FAA for information, rather than for regulation.
What is a Federal Aviation Regulation?
The actual law regarding the conduct of aviation activities.
Where can a mechanic find specific instructions for the maintenance of a particular aircraft?
In the FAA-approved maintenance manual produced by the manufacturer of the aircraft.
How does a mechanic record the compliance with an Airworthiness Directive?
An entry must be made in the aircraft maintenance records stating that the AD has been complied with. This entry must include the AD number and revision date, the date of compliance, the aircraft total time in service, the method of compliance and whether or not this is a recurring AD. If it is a recurring AD, the time of next compliance must be noted.
Where can a mechanic find a list of major alterations that have been made and approved for FAA certificated aircraft?
In the Summary of Supplemental Type Certificates (STC).
In what part of the regulations can a mechanic find the airworthiness standards for normal, utility and acrobatic category aircraft?
FAR Part 23.
In what part of the regulations can a mechanic find the airworthiness standards for normal category rotorcraft?
FAR Part 27.
In what part of the regulations can a mechanic find the specifications for the identification numbers that must be displayed on an aircraft?
FAR Part 45.
How does the manufacturer of an aircraft or engine keep the mechanics in the field aware of changes that affect the safety and performance of the aircraft or engines?
By the issuance of service bulletins.
In what government publication can a mechanic find the category in which a particular aircraft is certificated?
In the Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS) for the aircraft.
What are Aircraft Specifications?
Documents that include basically the same information as the TCDS but are issued for aircraft, engine, and propellors certificated under the Air Commerce Regulations.
What document would you use to troubleshoot a malfunctioning electrical flap system?
The aircraft wiring diagram manual.
What is a TCDS?
Type Certificate Data Sheet, sets forth essential factors and other consideration which are necessary for U.S. airworthiness certification of aircraft, engines and propellers.
What document specifies the type of fuel that should be used in an airplane?
The TCDS for that airplane.
What document would you use to find the control surface movement for a specified airplane?
The TCDS for that airplane.
Why is it necessary to refer to the TCDS for an airplane when conducting a 100-hour inspection?
The TCDS includes specifications required for the aircraft to maintain its airworthy status.
Who issues a service bulletin and what is its purpose?
It is issued by the manufacturer and used to outline procedures to make the product operate more efficiently and/or safer.
May the data in an aircraft maintenance manual be used as approved data for for an aircraft repair?
Yes. An aircraft maintenance manual is an FAA-approved document.
Where would you find the dimensional tolerances for the wrist pin fit in an aircraft engine?
In the overhaul manual for that engine.
What document would you use to find an approved repair for a damaged wing spar?
The structural repair manual for the aircraft.
What document would you use to find the part number for a landing light bulb for an airplane?
The illustrated parts catalog.
Where would you find the empty weight of an airplane?
In the aircraft weight and balance manual.
What FAA publication describes methods of nondestructive testing?
AC 43-3 Nondestructive Testing in Aircraft.
What is the purpose of a minimum equipment list (MEL)?
An MEL permits operations with certain inoperative items of equipment for the minimum period of time necessary until repair or replacement can be accomplished.
What is a master minimum equipment list (MMEL)?
A document approved by the FAA that lists the minimum operative instruments and equipment required for safe flight in that aircraft type in each authorized operating environment.
What are “Instructions for Continued Airworthiness”?
A document prepared by the operator of a helicopter and approved by the FAA that explains the maintenance that will be performed. This document is described in FAR Part 27, Appendix A.
What is an approved flight manual (AFM) or pilot’s operating handbook?
Required documents that must be carried in an aircraft that list the operating limitations specific to that aircraft and its engines.
Are instructions included in the Federal Regulations mandatory or optional?
They are mandatory.
What is the purpose of FAR Part 43?
It describes maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration of certificated aircraft.
Who is authorized to perform preventive maintenance on an aircraft that is not flown under FAR Part 121, 127, 129, or 135?
The holder of a pilot certificate that flies that particular aircraft.
What is the first step in the issuance of an AD?
A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) is published in the Federal Register.
How is information on an AD disseminated?
It is printed and distributed by first class mail to the registered owners and certain known operators of the product(s) affected.
What type of AD may be adopted without an NPRM?
ADs of an urgent nature are issued as immediately adopted rules without prior notice.
How is information on an emergency AD sent to the owner or operator of an affected aircraft or other product?
By first-class mail, telegram, or other electronic method.
What publication lists all of the ADs that apply to aircraft, engines, propellers, or appliances?
AC 39-6 Summary of Airworthiness Directives.
How can you get information on subscribing to the Airworthiness Directives?
Contact FAA, Manufacturing Standards Section (AFS-613), PO Box 26460, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0460.
What is the significance of the identification number 91-08-07 R1?
91 - This AD was issued in 1991.
08 - This AD was issued in the eighth biweekly period of 1991.
07 - This is the seventh AD issued during this period.
R1 - This is the first revision of this AD.
With what part of 14 CFR is AC 43.13-1B associated?
FAR Part 43.
May all of the information in AC 43.13-1B be used as approved data?
No, it is acceptable, but not necessarily approved data.
What is the purpose of General Aviation Airworthiness Alerts?
They contain information gleaned from Malfunction and Defect Reports to warn maintenance personnel of problems that have been reported.