Measures Taken Against Jewish People Flashcards
Was persecution of Jewish people in the 1930’s regular ?
No it was irregular
What happened to the Jewish people ?
Initially a boycott which was disliked by many Germans
Then legal and open discrimination increases up to 1936
Tension diminish during Olympics
Persecution increased with further legislation against them
What did the Nazis do to Jewish people in 1933?
April: SA boycott of Jewish business
May: new law excluded Jewish people from government jobs, Jewish books burnt
September: Jewish people band from inheriting land
What happened to the Jewish people in 1934?
Local councils banned Jewish people from public places
What happened to Jewish people in 1935?
May: Jewish Ppl no longer drafted into army
June: restaurants closed to Jewish people nation wide
September: Nuremberg laws passed
What happened to Jewish people in 1936?
April: professional activities of Jewish people banned such as vets and teachers
July-August: deliberate lull in the anti Jewish campaign due to Olympics
What happened to Jewish people in 1937?
September: first time in 2 years Hitler publicly attacked Jewish people and more Jewish business taken over
What happens to Jewish people in March, July and August of 1938?
March: Jewish people had to register possessions: easier to confiscate
July: Jewish people forced to carry identity cards.
August: Jewish men had to add the name Isreal to their first names and women ‘Sarah’ to humiliate them
What happened to Jewish people in October and November 1938?
October: Jewish people had the red letter J stamped on their passports
November: Kristallnacht, young Jewish people forbidden from schools and unis