Measures of Disease Frequency (Exam 1 Cut Off) Flashcards
- Any departure from a state of physiological or psychological well-being
- Measured by prevalence and incidence
Proportion or fraciton of a population that has a disease or condition at a certain point of time
- Number of new cases of a disease that develop in a population over a specified time period
- Disease occurence in persons who did not have the condition before
- Measure of risk
- Denominator: people at risk
“People at Risk” does NOT include…
- People who already have disease
- People who cannot get a disease
Incidence + Prevalence
- Prevalence depends on how many new cases occur and how long they remain cases
- Prevalence = Incidence * Duration
- Duration: time from occurrence to cure or death
Choosing Between Incidence and Prevalence
- For studies of cause of disease
- To estimate burden of diseases with short duration
-Estimate burden of diseases with long duration
- All cause mortality
- Age-specific mortality
- Mortality rates from selected causes
Crude Mortality Rate
-Total number of deaths from all causes per 1,000 people in a population
Cause-Specific Mortality Rate
-Total number of deaths from a specific cause
Case-fatality Rate
-Number of deaths from a specific disease by the total number of cases of that disease (measure of severity)
Infant Mortality Rate
-Number of deaths in children under 1 year of age occurring during a one year period per 1,000 livebirths
Statistical relationship between two or more variables
Variable with potential causal characteristics
- Risk factors
- Preventive factors
- Certain treatments
- Demographic/behavioral characteristics
- Disease
- Side effects
- Complications
- Death
- Cure
Goals of Clinical Studies
- Determine whether a certain risk/preventive factor (exposure) is associated with a particular outcome
- Achieved by comparing different measures of disease frequency by: calculating a ratio or a difference between two measures
Relative Risk
Comparison of the incidence in one group versus another