Measurement of Strength & Power Flashcards
What is the purpose of strength assessments?
Distinguish between athletes and indicates good performances
Injury prevention
What factors cannot be violated when testing strength?
Movement type, movement velocity, posture, joint position, bilateral behaviour
What is an Anisometric strength test?
What apparatus do you commonly use?
Isotonic = equal + tension Anisometric = non + equal + length
Free weights/resistance machines
What are the pros and cons of this type of testing?
FOR (easy):
Similar to sports movements, maximal and submaximal
AGAINST (little evidence):
Not as accurate, cannot test specific muscle groups
What did Wisloff find when correlating back squat and sprint performance?
Significant correlations between 1RM and 10m and 30m sprint times
What does different vertical jump height tests establish?
What variables are commonly measured?
Slow SSC (CMJ/SJ), Fast SSC (DJ)
Impulse, Power, Jump Height, RSI, RFD
What is an Isometric strength test?
What apparatus are commonly used?
Isometric = equal + length
Fixed loads, speeds and resistances
What are the pros and cons of this type of testing?
FOR (easy):
isolate muscle groups, accurate and reliable
AGAINST (static):
specific joint position strength, hard to elicit MVC’s
When testing, what are the methods of collection, considerations and analysis?
Collection -> familiarisation tests, trial and session no.s
Considerations -> calibration, warm ups, feedback
Analysis -> RFD (steepest point), relative/absolute power
What did Bissas find in relation to isometric strength testing using sprinting?
Moderate correlation between force-time from isometric knee extension and maximum sprint velocity
What is an Isokinetic strength test?
What apparatus is used?
Isokinetic = equal + movement speed
Variable load but fixed speed and resistance
What are the pros and cons of this type of testing?
FOR (dynamic):
isolate muscle groups, safe, normative values available
AGAINST (not real movements):
isokinetic velocities cannot match angular velocities during dynamic activities
What is the relationship between knee joint power and Squat Jumps?
High angular velocities leads to better squat jump height
What are the testing conditions when testing for velocity of movement?
- High Velocity training improves strength and power
- Low velocity training improves these at low velocities
- Angular sprint velocities can reach 1150 degrees per second - not possible to measure on isokinetic
What are the testing conditions when testing for posture/bilateral deficit?
- performance increases are greater with same posture
- bilateral training - increases bilateral performances
- unilateral favours unilateral post training performances
What are the testing conditions for joint position?
- unavoidable variability between & within participants due to hip activity of isometric knee extension
- technique and skill level also affect strength measurements
- conclusions drawn when activity of adjacent groups is estimated