Measurement Lvl 3 Flashcards
What is the latest Edition of IPMS?
IPMS: All Buildings (2023)
What is the main section of the document?
A - Introduction
B - Principles of IPMS Selection, Measurement Practice and Reporting
C - Definitions
D - Technical
E - IPMS Standards
Mcginty in Tutu measuring office and reporting in dictaphone
A: What are the fundamentals?
- IPMS 1/2: External and internal measurement of whole or part of the the building
- IPMS 3.1 / 3.2: All external and internal measurements for exclusive occupation
- IPMS 4.1 / 4.2: Internal measurements for selected areas incl. Internal walls and columns
B: What are principles of IPMS selection?
- Identify purpose of the measurement
- Select appropriate IPMS
- Apply the measurement practice
What are the measurement practices?
- Measurement + Calculations should be used in unit which is commonly adopted in jurisdiction
- All measurement, bar height are taken horizontally
- IPMS should be supported with computer generated drawings
- Measurements should be independently verified
- Building to be measured on a level by level basis
McGinty asks me if sq.ft / m2, I tell him to ensure he measure horizontally. He asks me to go to the computer room to scetch out. I doubt the measurements and go back to measure out of hours. All is correct and we apply to Mr.Hurlihy’s office.
What are the reporting standards?
- Measurement and calculations should be clearly outlined
- Use of building
- Standard used
- Method of measurement + Tools used
- Unit of measurement
- Conversion (Imperial / Metric)
- Level 0 = Ground
Part C - Definitions
Protective barrier
Physical / Invisible or legal line denoting perimeter
Clear Height
Floor surface to lowest point of the structural element
Vertical structure generally providing structural support
One of the main elements into which a floor area can be allocated
Covered Area
Extent of the area of a building covered by roof
Demising Wall
A wall separating adjoining occupiers
Finished Surface
Wall directly above the horizontal floor -to - wall junction
Floor Area
Normally horizontal, load bearing structure inclusive of any normal voids
Internal Dominant Face (IDF)
If glazing area consists of more than 50% of the floor to ceiling area than measurement must be taken to the inside of the window recess.
Internal Height
Height within a building measured from floor to lowest point of the ceiling
Internal Wall
Full height wall which separates one interior from another
Intermediate or partial floor
Notional Boundary
Non-physical line which forms part of the boundary. Normally agreed in measurement instruction or defined by legal document
Secondary Area
Demised area forming part of the building that supports the primary area in exclusive use
Sheltered Area
Any part of the covered area that is not fully enclosed where the permanent structure above provides shelter
Standard Facilities
Shared facilities and service facilities
Part D - Technical
D.1 Component Area
What are they?
- Areas of building divided depending on use
- Not Mandatory
Example of component area?
- Horizontal Circulation
- Vertical Circulation
- Primary Area
- Amenity Area
- Technical area
- Sanitary Area
Limited Use Areas?
Should be measured and stated separately + reason for limitation
What is difference between clear height and internal height
- Clear height to lowest point of structural element
- Internal height is lowest point of ceiling
What is the process with bay windows?
- Must be included and regarded as limited use
How do you measure external floor area?
IPMS 1 - Outside edge of balustrade
IPMS 2 /3 /4 - Floor / balustrade junction
IPMS 1 Definition
The Floor Area measured to the external extent of the External Walls and to any Notional Boundaries
What are the 4 steps to implementing measurement practice?
Step 1 - Determine the IPMS Boundary
Step 2 - Other Considerations
Step 3 - Measure and calculate the areas included in IPMS X
Step 4 - Areas Included in IPMS 1 but Reported Separately
IPMS 1 (Step 1) - Determine IPMS Boundary
Notional Boundary - Identify any agreed notional boundary that differs from the maximum physical extent
External Floor Area - Identify external floor areas measured to the outside edge of floor construction
Sheltered Area - Identify sheltered area and boundary line along the edge of the permanent structural extension above
External Wall - Identify the remaining external wall
IPMS 1 (Step 2) - Other Considerations
- Measurement taken to center line of shared external
- Internal walls / columns not excluded
- When external wall thickness is unknown, estimate should be made and stated
- Upper vertical voids excluded above ground
- External stairs are included unless open framework (fire escape)
- Mezz measured to edge of floor perimeter
- Structures beyond covered area are not included, if measured need to be stated separately.
IPMS 1 (Step 3) - Measure and Calculate
- Once boundary is established
- Boundary lines should be measured and area within
- Calculated on a level-by-level basis
- Calculate each level or section
- Any reporting should state if entirety of building or some of building is measured
IPMS 1 (Step 4) - Areas included but reported separately
- Area between notional boundary and external perimeter wall
- Sheltered areas
- External floor areas
- Enclosed walkways or passages connecting buildings
- Enclosed rooftop plant
- External stairs (Bar open framework which are excluded)
- Limited Use areas
IPMS 2 Definition
The floor area measured to the internal extent of the IDF and to any notional boundaries and external floor areas
IPMS 2 (Step 1) - Determine IPMS Boundary
Notional Boundary - Identify any agreed notional boundary which differs from the IDF or external floor area
External Floor Area - Identify external floor areas and establish boundary lines along the floor - balustrade junction
Internal Dominant Face - Identify the IDF of all external walls
IPMS 2 (Step 2) - Other Considerations
- Measurement is taken to the IDF of shared external wall
- Walls / Columns within boundary are not deducted
- Upper air voids are excluded, ground floor included
- Measurement of upper levels of void and external floor area is measured to floor-balustrade junction
- Wall thickness between the external floor area and IDF is excluded
- Sheltered areas and other areas not included within the structural construction of the building i.e. patios should be excluded.
IPMS 2 (Step 3) - Measure and calculate the areas included in IPMS 2
- Once boundary established
- Boundary lines measured and floor area within measured on a floor by floor basis
- May be apportioned into different sections
- Atrium voids are deducted at each level
- Any reporting must state if it’s for the entire building or for a specific section
IPMS 2 (Step 4) - Areas included but reported separately
- Area between notional boundary and IDF
- External Floor Areas
- Mezz
- Enclosed walkways / passageways connecting buildings
- Enclosed rooftop plant
- Limited use areas
IPMS 3 .1 - Definition
Floor area available on exclusive basis to an occupier measured externally to any notional boundaries, external walls, demising walls and including any external floor areas, sheltered areas or secondary areas
IPMS 3.1 (Step 1) - Determine IPMS 3.1 Boundary
Notional Boundary - Identify any agreed notional boundaries which differ from the maximum physical extent of external floor areas, sheltered areas, external walls or demising walls
External Floor Area - Identify and establish boundary a floor - balustrade junction. Do not measure beyond outside edge of floor area
Sheltered Area - Identify any sheltered area and establish boundary line along the edge of the permanent structural extension directly above
External Wall - Identify remaining boundary lines along the maximum physical extent of the external boundary wall
Demising Wall - Identify boundary line along the CenterPoint between demising tenants or buildings / Identify boundary lines along the finished service for other demised walls e.g. occupier and facility
Secondary Areas - Identify boundary lines of secondary area i.e. storage areas
IPMS 3.1 (Step 2) - Other Considerations
- Tenant related non permanent changes are disregarded
- Areas occupied by walls and columns within boundary are not deducted
- Where thickness of external unknown, estimate should be provided and stated
- Upper voids are excluded and ground is included
- Measurement of upper levels of void and mezzanine is treated as same as external floor area
- External enclosed stairs included, open air excluded.
- Standard facilities excluded
- Structures beyond the covered area which do not form part of building are excluded.
IPMS 3.1 (Step 3) - Measure and calculate the areas included in IPMS 3.1
- Once IPMS 3.1 boundary on every level is determined
- Boundary lines should be measured
- Floor areas within boundary calculated on level by level basis
IPMS 3.1 (Step 4) - Areas included but reported separately
- Sheltered Areas
- External Floor Areas
- Enclosed walkways or passages connecting separate Buildings, which form part of occupier’s area
- Mezzanines
- Vertical technical penetrations with openings equal to
IPMS 3.2 - Definition
- The Floor Area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier
- Measured internally to any notional boundaries, IDF, Demising wall
- Including any external areas, sheltered areas and secondary areas
IPMS 3.2 (Step 1) - Determine IPMS 3.2 Boundary
Notional Boundary - Identify any agreed notional boundary that differs from IDF or extent of the external floor area, sheltered areas
External Floor Area - Identify any external floor area and establish boundary. Measure to junction but not beyond outside edge of floor
Sheltered Area - Identify any sheltered areas and establish boundary line along the edge of the permanent extension line
IDF - Identify boundary lines along IDF of all external and demising walls
Demising Wall - Identify Boundary along centerline of demising walls between occupants and identify boundary line along the finished surfaces for other demising walls i.e. standard facilities
Secondary Areas - Identify boundary lines of secondary area
IPMS 3.2 (Step 2) - Other Considerations
- Tenant related non-permanent changes are disregarded
- Measurement taken to IDF of shared external walls between adjoining buildings
- The areas of walls and columns within the boundary are not deducted
- Upper voids are disregarded, ground floor included
- Ignore recessed doors and lift opening, continue on finished surface boundary line
- Measurement of mezz and upper levels floors treated as same as external floor areas
- Standard facilities excluded
- External floor areas measured to inter-most line of balustrade. then up to the IPMS 1 boundary of the external wall
- Thickness between External floor areas and IDF is excluded
- Sheltered areas measured to IPMS 1 external floor area boundary
- Structures beyond covered area are excluded
IPMS 3.2 (Step 4) - Areas included but reported separately
- Needs to be in exclusive possession
- Sheltered Areas
- External Floor Areas
- Enclosed walkways or passages connecting separate Buildings, which form part of occupier’s exclusive area
- Mezzanines
- Vertical technical penetrations with openings equal to or greater than 0.1m2 and their surrounding Walls
- Limited use area(s) not otherwise identified above.
RICS Measuring Practice Guidance
- Mandatory for all SCSI members from 1st February 2016 unless client instructs
Mix Use -Relevant code applies per use
Industrial/Warehouse - properties with less than 50% of their use in office use, the measurement will be calculated on the basis of GEA and stated separately, party walls to be measured to mid-point
Mezz - Should be measured only if permanent. Area should be stated separately. Area directly below mezz should be stated separately as well
GEA - Definition
Gross External Area is the area of a building measured externally at each floor level.
GIA - Definition
Gross Internal Area is the area of a building measured to the internal face of the
perimeter walls at each floor level.
NIA - Definition
Net Internal Area is the usable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
How do you measure retail
IPMS 3.2 / NIA
How do you measure a department store
How do you measure retail warehouse
Hiwndo you measure an Office building
IPMS 2 / 3
NIA City Centre / GIA Suburban
Explaining zoning
More valuation than measurement.
4 zones A-D
Death 6.1m
Ideal frontage to depth ratio - 1.3
Discount up to 10% if less than 1.3 and loaf vica versa
Not suitable for unit over 1,000 sq m
What are shadow areas
Areas which cannot be seen from shop front
What is included in NIA
Atria with clear height above and entrance halls if not used in common areas
Notional lift lobbies and notional fire corridors
Built in cupboards and the like occupying usable area
Ramps, sloping areas and steps within the usable area and pavement vaults
Areas occupied by ventilation and heating grilles
Areas occupied by skirting and perimeter trunking
Area occupied by non-structural walls subdividing accommodation in sole occupancy
What is excluded in NIA
Meter and service cupboards and service risers
Areas less than 1.5m in height
Cleaners rooms
Permanent circulation areas
Space occupied by permanent, continuous air conditioning, heating or cooling apparatus if the space it occupies is rendered substantially unusable or it protrudes more 0.25m or more into a usable area
Areas rendered substantially unusable with a dimension between opposite faces of less than 0.25m
Measurements should be taken to the glazing for full height glazing unless elements of the window structure or design render the space substantially unusable
What is internal eaves height
The clear height between the floor and the lowest point on the underside of the roof e.g. at the eaves
What is site depth
The measurement from the front to rear boundaries
What is shop depth
The measurement from the notional window display to the rear of the retail area, including the thickness of the display window
What is the built depth
The maximum external measurement from the front to rear walls
What is the gross frontage for a shop
The overall external measurement in a straight line across the front of the building from the outside of the external wall or the centre line of the party walls
What is the net frontage for a shop
The overall frontage of the shop line measured between the internal face of the external walls
What is the difference between plot ratio and site cover
Plot ratio: gross floor area of the property divided by the site area
Site cover: the building footprint expressed a percentage of the site area
What is the building line
The line within, or coinciding with, the property line, beyond which it is illegal to build
What is a commonly used scale for a building plan
What is a commonly used scale for a street plan
What is a commonly used scale for a location plan