Measurement Flashcards
What is GEA?
Gross External Area
This is the area of the building measured externally at each floor level
What is GIA?
Gross Internal Area
This is the area of the building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall at
each floor level
Excludes external open sided balconies, fire escapes, canopies, external walls, fuel
What is NIA?
Net Internal Area
This is the area of usable space measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall
at each floor level
Excludes the above and internal structural walls and columns, spaces with
headroom less than 1.5m, corridors and circulation space used in common,
permanent lift lobbies, toilets, cleaners cupboards, plant rooms
Where are all of the measuring practices defined?
RICS Code of Measuring Practice 6th Edition
What is the purpose of the Code of Measuring Practice?
Provides precise definitions to permit the accurate and consistent measurement of
What would you expect the percentage of NIA to GIA / GEA to be?
It depends on the type of project being undertaken (school, hospital, office etc…)
If it were an office build I would expect the NIA to GIA to be in the region of 70-85%,
where 70% is not good and 85% is excellent.
What is a PC Sum?
A Prime Cost Sum is an allowance included within the BQ for works to be carried out
by a nominated subcontractor or supplier, or a statutory authority. This is typical
where service diversionary works are required & a quotation has been obtained from
Core/UU to provide the works prior to tender. These costs may vary once the work
has been carried out. The contractor is allowed to price allowances for attendance &
Discuss the difference between defined and undefined provisional sums “A defined
provisional sum is one that relates to works that cannot be accurately measured, but
there is sufficient information about the works (nature, method, location, quantity,
limitations) to allow planning, programming & pricing of prelims to take place. The
contractor would therefore only be entitled to claim for any increase in the cost of the
physical works.
Where there is insufficient information, the works are classed under an undefined
provisional sum entitling the contractor to costs for prelims and an extension to the
What is IPMS 1?
Used for measuring building including external walls
Why were the international measurements standards implemented by RICS?
To create international property measurement standards
Are there any limitations when using a laser measure?
Use in the sun, externally or large areas.
Should existing drawings be relied upon?
Depends if they are as-builts issued by a professional. However I would still take my own measurements.
Other than the measuring equipment you have mentioned, are you aware of any other modern techniques for measuring property?
3D surveys
How would you calibrate a laser measure?
Measure a distance using a steel tape measure, take measurement using the disto and if incorrect change following manufacturers instructions
Are there any limitations with the use of tape measures?
Why did you use both a tape and laser measure?
For longer distances where a disto can’t be read, or for smaller measurements around windows and columns etc.
What measurements did you take?
Floor to ceiling
windows and locations
width of room
How did you ensure that your measurements were accurate?
I checked the disto was calibrated before use.
What did you record your measurements on?
How did you make sure that the measurements were recorded clearly?
Used pen
What accuracy were you working to?
to the mm
How did you ensure that the laser measure was calibrated?
tested against a known distance
What type of tape measure did you use?
steel 20m
What headings are included in the RICS Property Measurement Professional Statement?
Application of the Professional Statement
Technical Definitions
IPMS for office buildings
IPMS for residential buildings
What status is the RICS property measurement document?
Professional Statement