Inclusive Environments Flashcards
What is an inclusive environment?
An inclusive environment recognises and accommodates differences in the way people use the built and natural environment. It allows for its use in a dignified, equal and intuitive manner for all (now and in the future).
Tell me about some of the primary or secondary legislation in the regard of inclusive environments.
Part M
Equality Act 2010
What disabilities might need special attention when designing or refurbishing premises?
All - ensure building is accessible and useable by all wherever possible
How do you ensure that your projects meet high levels of inclusive design?
Meeting regulations
Why is sustainability important?
Prevent climate change
What are the government targets for reducing emissions that you mention?
The UK government is to set in law the world’s most ambitious climate change target, cutting emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels
Specifically, what does UK planning policy stipulate in relation to sustainability of new buildings?
to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; including making effective use of land, helping to improve biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy.
What is the building carbon database that you mention?
The RICS Building Carbon Database is an evolution of the formerly known WRAP Embodied Carbon Database, with a continued relationship with UK GBC. The purpose of the database reinforces the RICS professional statement ‘Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment, 1st edition’, which RICS members must act in accordance with.
The aim of the database is to allow users to identify where associated carbon emission reductions can be made, during all stages of a building’s life cycle.
Do you believe that net zero carbon buildings are possible?
A net zero carbon building is highly energy efficient and powered from on-site and/or off-site renewable energy sources, with any remaining carbon balance offset.
It’s already been done throughout the world
Give me some examples of how the energy performance of existing building can be improved using a recent project as an example (or your case study)?
Roofing works - addition of insulation
Give me an example of a sustainable construction technique you are familiar with.
Give me some examples of other sustainable technologies you are aware of.
Solar panels
Heat Pumps
Explain what you understand by the term “Cold Bridging”.
Cold Bridging Cold bridging is caused by a colder element in the structure or fabric of the building allowing coldness to pass through.
Give me some examples of how you can avoid Cold Bridging.
Ensure no gaps in insulation,
What is the purpose of EPCs and when is one required?
An EPC is a survey which ranks your property on a scale of A to G – there is no pass or fail. However, if you are renting out your home, the law requires the EPC to show a minimum rating of E for all new tenancies and – as from April 2020 – all existing tenancies.
What is the purpose of DECs and when is one required?
Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are designed to show the energy performance of public buildings.
What are MEES and when might they be relevant to your work?
The Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) Regulations set a minimum energy efficiency level for domestic private rented properties.
The Regulations apply to all domestic private rented properties that are:
•let on specific types of tenancy agreement
•legally required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
Which Approved Documents cover sustainability?
How do you contribute to your employer’s sustainability targets?
Producing no avoidable waste by 2035 and becoming single use plastic free by 2030
How do planning requirements influence inclusivity?
Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development. It is indivisible from good planning and should contribute positively to making places better for people. The NPPF highlights that it is important to plan positively for the achievement of high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development schemes.
The NPPF notes that although visual appearance and the architecture of individual buildings are very important factors, securing high quality and inclusive design goes beyond aesthetic considerations. Therefore, planning policies and decisions should address the connections between people and places and the integration of new development into the natural, built and historic environment.
What is an inclusive environment?
Making a building useable by all.