Measure for Measure: Mariana Flashcards
Unjust unkindness
Duke: His unjust unkindness, that in all reason should have quenched her love, hath, like an impediment in the current, made it more violent and unruly.
To Isabella, [3:1,240]
Swallowed vows
Duke: Swallowed his vows whole, pretending in her discoveries of her dishonour
To Isabella, [3:1,226]
Duke: He is your husband on a pre-contract: To bring you thus together ‘tis no sin
To Mariana, [4:1,70]
Cruel Angelo
Mariana: This is that face, thou cruel Angelo,
Which once thou swore at was worth the looking on;
This is the hand which, with a vow’d contract,
Was fast belock’d in thine
To Angelo, [5:1,206]
Light from heaven
Mariana: As there comes light from heaven and words from breath,
As there is sense in truth and truth in virtue,
I am affianced this man’s wife as strongly
As words could make up vows
To Angelo, [5:1,225]
Mariana: I crave no other, nor no better man
Take my part
Mariana: [kneeling] O my good lord! Sweet Isabel, take my part