Measure for Measure Flashcards
What shows Angelo is given absolute power
‘Morality and mercy in Vienna live in thy tongue and heart’
How does Angelo try to appear more measured and judicious
Let there be some more test made of my metal before so noble and so great a figure be stamp’d upon it
How does claudio vent his frustration that justice is ambiguous and subjective
Thus can the demigod authority make us pay for our offence by weight, the words of heaven, on whim it will it will on whom it will not, so. Yet still ‘tis just.
Claudio says that Angelo’s command emanates from a desire to assert his authority or to bolster his own reputation
The body public be a horse whereon the governor doth ride, who, newly in the seat, that it may know he can command, lets it straight feel the spur.
Duke is conducting a study on human nature
Hence we shall see if power changes purpose what our seemers be
Duke says we have a responsibility to share our virtues
For if our virtues did not go forth of us, twere alike as if we had them not
How does the duke abdicate responsibility
Sith twas my fault to give the people scope, it would be my tyranny to strike and gall them
Who is responsible for sinning, according to Angelo
is this her fault or mine? The tempter or the tempted, who sins most? still doesn’t accept responsibility for his corruption
Angelo’s guilty anxiety
This deed unshaped me quite, makes me unpregnant and dull to all proceedings
How is angelo self reflective and acknowledges he has strayed on the wrong path
When once our grace we have forgot, nothing goes right, we would and we would not (lawful evil)
How does angelo use evasive and circumlocutory language to avoid taking responsibility
A deflowred maid and by an eminent body that enforced the law against it
How does the duke encourage self reflection from angelo
In this ill be impartial: be you judge of your own cause
Angelo’s pardon is problematic/cowardly as he appears to lament being caught than committing the crime
I crave death more willingly than mercy
Lucio insults the duke. Suggests he wasn’t recognising the need for balance
A very superficial, ignorant, unweighihg fellow
What shows it is acceptable to distort morals in favour of self preservation
twas a commandment to command the captain and all the rest from their function: they put forth to steal
Duke’s opinion of Angelo:
A man of stricture and firm abstinence
Angelo is so moral and strict to the point where he is inhuman
A man whose blood is very snow broth, one who never feels the wanton stings and motions of the sense but doth rebate and blunt his natural edge
Angelo desires Isabella for her goodness, wants to corrupt her
Dost thou desire her foully for those things that make her good
A child born out of wedlock is sinful in the context of a conservative catholic world
the sin you carry is ‘of a heavier kind than his’
Angelo encourages isabella to reconsider her sense of morals. Claudio also says
- might not there be a charity in sin to save this brothers life
- what sin you do to save a brother’s life nature dispenses with the deed so far this it becomes a virtue