MEASLES Flashcards
Measles other name
is an acute, contagious and exanthematous disease that usually affects children who are susceptible to Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI). This maybe one of the most common and most serious of all childhood disease.
Measles virus is rapidly inactivated by heat, ultraviolet light, and extreme degrees of acidity and alkalinity.
true teh!
Sources of infection
in the patient’s blood, secretions from the eyes, nose, and throat.
direct contact with the droplets spread through coughing or sneezing
It can also be transmitted indirectly through articles or fomites freshly contaminated with respiratory secretions of infected patients
10-12 DAYS (longest 20 and shortest 8)
When is the disease most communicable?
During height of rash
Measles usually lasts about ______measured from the beginning of the prodromal symptoms to the fading of the rash.
9-10 days
The disease is communicable ______before and ______ after the appearance of rashes
4 days before and
5 days after
Pathognomonic sign of measles
Koplik’s spots
Kopliks spots apprears
1-2 days before the measle rash
3 phases of measles
- Prodromal (3days after incubation period)
- Exanthem Phase (4 days)
- Recovery Phase (10-14days)
Nose and throat swab • Urinalysis
• Blood exams (CBC, leukopenia, leukocytosis)
• Complement fixation or hemogglutinin test)
3 treatments
• Antibiotics if with complication
• Supportive therapy (oxygen inhalation, IV fluids)
• Isolation of the patient is necessary (the room must be quiet, well-ventilated, and must have subdued light).
• Control the patient’s high temperature with warm or tepid sponges.
• Skin care is utmost. The patient should have a daily cleansing bed bath. The water should be comfortably warm.
• Oral and nasal hygiene is a very important aspect of