An invasion of pathogens or microorganisms into the body that are capable of producing disease.
The invasion and reproduction of microorganisms in a body tissue that can result in a local or systemic
clinical response such as cellulitis, fever etc.
Includes all of the practices used to prevent the spread of microorganisms
that could cause disease in a person.
Infection Control
practices help to protect clients and healthcare providers from disease by reducing and/or eliminating sources of infection.
Infection control
The six links (I/PREMES)
• Reservoir
• Place of Exit
• Method of Transmission
• Port of Entry
• Susceptible Host
The place for a pathogen to live and grow
Human or animal body (host)
Direct transmission:
Contaminated food or water Animal/insect
Infected soil
Indirect transmission
Ways pathogens escape the reservoir
(Mouth,Nose, Broken skin)
Place of Exit
Away to get to a new host
Method of Transmission
MOT - Body fluids (i.e. blood, secretions)
MOT - Directly
MOT- Intermediate hosts (i.e. toothbrushes, animals, drinking fountains, food)
MOT- Indirectly
Ways to enter a new host
– Broken skin
– Mouth
– Nose
– Eyes
– Genitals
– Insect bites
Port of Entry
Those that have little (if any) resistance to the pathogen and thus, lack the ability to fight them
Susceptible Host
Those who carry germ, but show no signs or symptoms; can spread disease, but often do
so unknowingly
Do all 6 links need to be connected in order for a
disease to be transmitted?
if even ONE link is broken, an infection
will not occur!
Ways to break the chain
- Kill the pathogen
• Prevent contact
• Prevent its escape
• Prevent Transmission
• Block the Ports
• Resistant Host
If you kill the pathogen, you stop it from spreading
Kill pathogen
Methods of killing pathogens
- Antibiotics or other medications
– Wash hands
By preventing things from coming in contact with an infected source, the pathogen has no place to escape to
Prevent Contact
Methods in Preventing Contact
Quarantine/ isolate those with disease
If the pathogens cannot get out of its host, the disease cannot
Prevent Escape
Prevent Escape Methods:
- Cover your mouth when you sneeze
– Wear a band-aid to cover wounds
By not giving pathogens a means to travel, we can stop the spread
Prevent Transmission
Prevent Transmission Methods:
- Kill/control infected animals/insects
– Ensure proper treatment of sewage
– Chlorinate drinking water
If you do not have ways for pathogens to get into a new
host, they cannot infect
Block the Ports
Block the Ports Methods:
Cover wounds
– Do not eat “shady” food
By making smart choices about your health and developing a strong immune system, your body can fight off pathogens without
you ever feeling sick
Resistant Host
Resistant Host Methods:
- Exercise
– Eat well-balanced diet
– Get immunizations