Meaghan Perriti Patient Care Flashcards
Arthrograms, myelogram, arthograms need what type of consent?
written and signed consent form
Whos responsibility is it to give the patient all information to make informed consent?
If you explain the procedure and say we are going to do an x-ray of your right foot? And the patient follows your instructions this indicates:
Implied consent
oral consent (do not need written consent)
receive privacy practice notices
restrict the use of personal health information
Extent of care:
consent or refuse treatment example DNR
right to refuse medical treatment (pediatrics=parent/guardian)
If under the age of 18 years old patient must have:
parent/guardian to sign consent for them
right to review medical record
Access to information
Research participation
The right to consent or decline participation
Living Will
a written statement detailing a personās desires regarding their medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent
Health care proxy
also known as a representative, surrogate, or agent ā is a person who can make health care decisions for you if you are unable to communicate these yourself
Advanced directives
legal documents that provide instructions for medical care and only go into effect if you cannot communicate your own wishes
Patient Care Partnership
- High Quality Hospital Care
- A clean and safe environment
- Involvement in your care
- Protection of privacy
- Help when leaving the hospital
Orders must be written by:
MD or his/her agent
Results are directed to:
Ordering MD
Who is responsible for ordering correct exam?
Ordering MD
Required Requisition information (5):
- The patient to be examined
- The exact region or part to be radiographed
- The suspected or existing patient diagnosis
- The ordering physician signature
- Date of requisition
Verification and Patient Identification
Correct patient (2 identifiers)
Correct body part
Correct side
Thread words or tone:
Touching (wrong patient or part)
Pt. not allowed to leave:
False Imprisionment
used to reduce motion (sponges), used temporarily:
Restricts the patient from freedom, requires an MD order:
Written defamation
Verbal defamation
Slander (spoken words)
Act causing injury
Tort (intentional or unintentional)
Respondeat Superior
let the master answer
Employer is held liable for the employee
Respondeat Superior
Res ipsa Loquitur
the thing speaks for itself
The individual being sued has to prove her/his innocence:
Res ipsa loquitur
Restraining limbs:
physical restraint
secluded room:
environmental restraint
seatbelt situation or chair with locking table:
medication restriant:
pharmacologic restraint
7 Cās of malpractice:
Competance of professional standards
Compliance with procedures and policies
Charting that is complete consistent and objective
Communications with everyone
Courtesy in attitude and rapport
Carefulness use caution when dealing with patients
A guide to evaluate proffessional conduct as it relates to patient healthcare, consumers, employees, colleagues, and other members of the healthcare team:
Code of Ethics
The image must include:
Patient ID
Left and Right markers (placed at time of exposure)
Date of Exposure
Do not use these kind of markers:
electronic, may not be legal
Radiographic images whether electronic or film belong to:
the institution
image acquisition, image processing, image display:
Processing algorithm
Window width for contrast, window level for brightness
Brightness and Contrast
Purpose of cropping/masking is to reduce the eye fatigue of the viewer caused by high brightness levels in the image
Cropping or masking off anatomy