Mdis Exam 3 Flashcards
which natural substances often contain choline
the energy of a photon in the photosynthesis process is used directly to
pump H+ from the stroma to the thylakoid lumen
The condition in which there is adecreasein the number of white blood cells in humans is known as:
From which grandparent or grandparents did you inherit your mitochondria ?
maternal grandmother
Synapsis and crossing over of chromosomes occurs in which phases of meiosis?
Which of the followingis NOT a mode of genetic exchange within a bacterial population?
The physical appearance and properties of an organism which is the expression of the genetic makeup is called the:
Select one:
Which of the following is one of the post transcriptional changes in Eukaryotes?
In which of the following cell structures does protein synthesis take place
mitochondria and chloroplasts
The alpha helix and beta sheet are both involved in the arrangement of
Select one:
Secondarystructure of proteins
Loss of one nucleotide in a DNA molecule has generally
The correct answer is:Greater effect than nucleotide substitution
Loss of one nucleotide in a DNA molecule has generally
Select one:
Greater effect than nucleotide substitution
What will be the possible blood group/s of the progeny of a mother with blood type A and a father with a blood type B?
AB, A, B or O
What is true concerning Thewobble positionin protein synthesis:
Select one:
:The wobble hypothesis explains why there is 61 possible codons but less than 61 different anti-codons
Which one of the following amino acids is positively charged?
an allele is
The correct answer is: An alternative form of a gene found at the same locus on homologous chromosomes
Which of the following statements on the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteinsisfalse?
:A sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is termed a structural gene
Transcription is the transfer of information from the nucleotide sequence…:
Select one:
A. of RNA into primary structure of proteins
B. of RNA into DNA sequence
C. of mRNA into tRNA anticodone
D. of DNA into primary structure of proteins
E. There is no correct answer
there is no correct answer.
Darwin postulated that the major factor influencing evolution
natural selection
Find thefalsestatement among the following
Select one:
A.Anticodon is a part of the tRNA
B.Codon is a triplet found in the mRNA
C.Anticodon and codons must be complementary
D.Sugar-phosphate backbone is a part of the DNA & of the RNA molecule
E.For transcription DNA polymerase is used
Choose thewrongstatement concerning the result of Insulin secretion by the pancreas
Gluconeogenesis by the liver
What is the name of the following amino acid:
Blood flow to the skin
increases when external environmental temperature rises
Which of the following secrete gastric acid?
parietal cells
Rugea can be found in the
Which of the following enzymes is not secreted by the pancreas?
The most distal part of the stomach is called:
Select one:
This is direction of diffusion of gasses at the alveoli of the lungs.
Oxygen into blood, carbon dioxide out of blood
IfpH decreases or PCO2 increases, the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin
The tuft of capillaries in the renal corpuscle is called the
Which of thefollowing is NOT a process done by the kidneys in order to keep a constant blood PH?
excertion of CO2
Which of these substances normally cannot pass through the filtration membrane?
This term means entry of substances into the body from the filtrate.
When ADH levels in the blood are high, the collecting ducts are:
very permeable to water
Glands that produce hormones are
endocrine gland
The embryonic germ layer from which the skin and nervous system are derived is
Select one:
Which ofthese is NOT a chemical mediator of inflammation?
Harvestian canal contains:
Blood vessels
Which of these results occur in response to the release of chemical mediators?
Select one:
Select one:
B. Chemotactic attraction of phagocytes
C.Increased vascular permeability
D.Redness and swelling
E. All of these
In the process of oogenesis, a polar body
is formed before fertilization. formed after fertilization
The resting potential indicates that the inside of the neuron is ________ compared to the outside.
In humans, transmission of nerve impulses across a synaptic cleft is carried out by ________.
Select one:
neurotransmitter molecules