May 2022 Flashcards
environmental = ambiental
Planting trees has a positive environmental impact.
Plantar árboles tiene un impacto ambiental positivo.
wind = el viento
The storm brought (trajo) strong winds to the area.
La tormenta trajo fuertes vientos al área.
worthy = digno (adjective). the bond = el lazo. admiration = admirar
The bond between the two sisters is worthy of admiration.
El lazo entre las dos hermanas es digno de admirar.
shooting star = la estrella fugaz
If you see (use tú form) a shooting star make (use imperative of to ask for = pedir) a wish.
If you see (use usted form) a shooting star make a wish.
Si ves una estrella fugaz, pide un deseo.
Si ve una estrella fugaz, pida un deseo.
picotear = to Peck (transitive verb)
The hens are pecking the ground.
Las gallinas andan picoteando el suelo.
pelirrojo = red-haired (adjective)
Tatiana is red haired.
Tatiana es pelirroja.
tranquilamente = peacefully (adverb)
The baby is sleeping peacefully.
El bebé duerme tranquilamente.