December 2023 Flashcards
12-1-23 skating = el patinaje
Sara won a trophy in figure skating.
Sara ganó un trofeo en patinaje artistico.
12-2-23 spark = la chispa
Sparks flew out of the fire.
They jumped out (use pretérito indefenido) sparks from the fire.
Saltaron chispas del fuego.
12-3-23 crimson (adjective)= carmesí
Snow was falling on the crimson leaves.
Use the imperfect of caer. sobre is used here for on
La nieve caía sobre las hojas carmesí.
12-4-23 joy = la alegría
It brings me joy to spend the holidays with my son.
To me it gives joy to pass …
Me da alegría pasar las fiestas con mi hijo.
12-5-23 market = el mercado
we spent the afternoon at a Christmas market.
Pasamos la tarde en un mercado navideño.
12-6-23 to light = alumbrar
It’s time to light the Christmas tree.
It is time of lighting …
Es hora de alumbrar el árbol de Navidad.
12-7-23 marzipan = el mazapán
figures = figuras. tiny figures = figuritas
We made marzipan figures.
Hicimos figuritas de mazapán
12-8-23 candle = la vela
to light = encender
I lit a candle so I could read.
I lit a candle in order to be able to read. (2 infitivies)
Encendí una vela para poder leer.
12-9-23 to give (a gift) = regalar
What are you going to give me?
Qué me vas a regalar?
12-10-23 fir = el abeto
Firs are commonly used (tend to be used) as Christmas trees.
tend to, to be inclined to = tender (tiendo, tiendes…)
to be used = a ser usados
as = como
Los abetos tienden a ser usados como árboles de Navidad.
12-11-23 ornament = el adorno
Let’s put the ornaments on the Christmas tree.
Pongamos los adornos en el árbol de Navidad
12-12-23 Christmas (adjective) = navideño
I’m getting into the Christmas spirit.
To me is entering the XMas spirit (subject of sentence is XMas spirit.)
Me está entrando el espíritu navideño.
12-13-23 donkey = el burro
I have 2 donkeys on my farm.
Tengo dos burros en mi granja.
12-14-23 chime = la campanada
We heard chimes at midnight. (to the midnight). Use escuchar for to hear
Escuchamos campanadas a la medianoche.
12-15-23 Hanukkah = la Janucá
We ate lots of latkes during Hanukkah.
Comimos muchos latkes durante Janucá.
12-16-23 chimney = la chimenea
Do you think Santa will fit through the chimney.
Think triggers the subjunctive. The subj of caber (to fit) comes from the 1st person present of caber which is quepo. (present conjugation is quepo, cabes, cabe…) Change out the o at end of quepo to opposite of er ending of infinitive. Thus quepo becomes quepa in subj.
Crees que Papá Noel quepa por la chimenea.
12-17-23 tinsel = el espumillón
We decorated the tree with red tinsel.
Adornamos el árbol con espumillón rojo.
12-18-23 to rejoice = regocijarse
The people rejoiced when they heard the news.
Las personas se regocijaron cuando escucharon la noticia
12-19-23 candy cane = el bastón de caramelo
We hung candy canes from the tree. (on the tree)
Colgamos bastónes de caramelo en el árbol.
12-20-23 comfortable = cómodo
I am not moving. I am too comfortable. (I am very comfortable).
No me voy a mover. Estoy muy cómodo.
12-21-22 to have dinner = cenar
We are having dinner at my parent’s house tonight. (We are going to eat dinner to / at the house of my parents tonight )
Vamos a cenar a la casa de mis padres esta noche.
12-22-23 holly = el acebo
I am going to decorate the house with boughs of holly.
Voy a decorar la casa con ramas de acebo.
12-23-23 to sparkle= centellear
The sea sparkled in the sunlight.
El mar centelleaba bajo la luz del sol.
12-24-23 to stay up late = trasnocharse
I stayed up late waiting for Santa.
Me trasnoché esperarando a Papá Noel.
12-25-23 to unwrap = desenvolver
You are taking a long time to unwrap that present.
Te estás tomando mucho tiempo a desenvolviendo ese regalo.
12-26-23 almond = la almendra
Almonds are my favorite nut.
Las almendras son mis nueces favoritas.
12-27-23 rice pudding = el arroz con leche
This rice pudding is sweet and creamy.
Este arroz con leche está dulce y cremoso
12-28-23 suitcase = la maleta (ma-lay-tah)
My cousin took an empty suitcase for a stroll around the block.
Mi primo le dio la vuelta a la cuadra con una maleta vacía.
12-29-23 - firecracker = el petardo
The kids set off firecrackers.
Los niños estallaron petardos.
12-30-23 the arrival = la llegada
We got together to wait for the arrival of the new year.
Nos reunimos para esperar la llegada del nuevo año.
12-31-23 to say goodbye
We said goodbye to 2023 with a lot of fireworks.
Nos despedimos del 2023 con muchos fuegos artificiales.