Maxillary Sinus Cancers Flashcards
What is the most common paranasal sinus tumor?
Maxillary sinus disease accounts for 80% of all sinus cancers, with a 2 to 1 male prevalence.
What are common symptoms of maxillary sinus disease?
Symptoms include nasal bleeding and diplopia (double vision).
What type of cancer accounts for 80% of maxillary sinus tumors?
80% are squamous cell.
Who is most affected by maxillary sinus cancer?
White men 40 years or older.
What is the prognosis for maxillary sinus cancer?
Very poor prognosis.
At what stage are maxillary cancers usually diagnosed?
Maxillary cancers are usually diagnosed at advanced stages.
What is the standard treatment for maxillary sinus cancer?
Most cases warrant treatment with combined surgery and postoperative radiation.
What occupations are at increased risk for nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancers?
People who work in certain jobs are more likely to develop these cancers.
What substances are linked to increased risk of maxillary sinus cancer?
Breathing in substances such as wood dusts, textile dusts, leather dusts, flour, nickel and chromium dust, mustard gas, and radium.
What is the surgical approach for small lesions in maxillary sinus cancer?
Surgery is only for small lesions of the nasal septum or those limited to the infrastructure of the maxillary sinus.
What is the treatment for advanced stages of maxillary sinus cancer?
Surgery and postoperative radiation is considered standard treatment.
Why is surgery and radiation complicated in maxillary sinus cancer?
These tumors are often located close to multiple critical structures, including the eye, brain, optic nerves, brainstem, and cranial nerves.
When may radiation be used in maxillary sinus cancer treatment?
Radiation may be used when a massive tumor exists that involves the nasopharynx, base of skull, sphenoidal sinuses, brain, or optic chiasm.
What is the recommended postoperative radiation dose for maxillary sinus treatment?
60 to 63 Gy (1.8 to 2.0 per fraction), with 70 Gy recommended for unresectable tumors.
What technique is used for external beam radiation in maxillary sinus treatment?
Wedged pair technique with coned down boost.
What is a key consideration during radiation treatment?
Care taken to miss the cord and contralateral lens.
What advantage does intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) offer?
IMRT offers a more therapeutic ratio for tumor over conventional treatment.
How does IMRT improve treatment outcomes?
IMRT improves sparing of critical structures, especially in cases where high doses are necessary for eradication of gross tumor.