Matthew Flashcards
Matthew 1
Baby Jesus in a pair of jeans
Genealogy and Birth of Jesus
Matthew 2
Babies 2 and under to die
Wise Men / Herod’s Decree
Matthew 3
3 being baptized
Baptism of Jesus
Matthew 4
4 in the wilderness
Jesus Tempted / First Disciples
Matthew 5
5 minute sermon
Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 6
6 minute sermon
Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 7
7 minute sermon
Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 8
8 performs healings
Leper / Centurion’s Servant / Demoniacs
Matthew 9
9 carried on a bed
Paralytic / Dead Girl and Bleeding Woman
Matthew 10
10 is about 12
Twelve Apostles
Matthew 11
1 and 1 are sent by John to Jesus
Jesus Speaks of John the Baptist
Matthew 12
1 sin = 2nd death
Lord of the Sabbath / Unpardonable Sin
Matthew 13
1 telling 3 stories
Parables of the Kingdom
Matthew 14
J14 on a platter with 🍞 and 🐟
John the Baptist Dies / Feeding 5,000
Matthew 15
15 rules
Traditions / Feeding 4,000
Matthew 16
6 carries the 1
Peter Confesses Christ /
Take Up Your Cross
Matthew 17
1 transforms to 7
Matthew 18
1 and 8 reunited
Offenses and Forgiveness
Matthew 19
1 separates from 9
Divorce / Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 20
$0.20 for the day
Vineyard Workers / True Greatness
Matthew 21
2 flips over 1
Temple Cleansed /
Two Sons and Husbandmen
Matthew 22
22 questions
Wedding Feast / Jesus Questioned
Matthew 23
23 woes
Woe to Scribes and Pharisees
Matthew 24
24 signs
Signs of Christ’s Coming
Matthew 25
2 x 5 = 10
Ten Virgins / Talents / Least of These
Matthew 26
2 arrested by 6
The Last Supper / Gethsemane
Matthew 27
27 ✝️
Matthew 28
2 rolls away the 8
Resurrection / Great Commission