Luke Flashcards
Luke 1
1 visit per angel
Gabriel Visits Zacharias and Mary / Birth of John
Luke 2
Smart 2 yr old
Birth and Dedication of Jesus / Young Jesus
Luke 3
Jesus in a pair of jeans
John Prepares the Way / Genealogy of Jesus
Luke 4
4 is tempted
Jesus Tempted / Begins His Ministry
Luke 5
First 5 are healed
First Disciples / Leper / Paralytic
Luke 6
6 lays hands on twelve, then preaches
Lord of the Sabbath / Twelve Apostles / Sermon on the Mount
Luke 7
7 brings healing and comfort
Centurion’s Servant / Jesus Speaks of John / Mary Forgiven
Luke 8
8 is healed
Parable of the Sower / Demoniac / Bleeding Woman and Dead Girl
Luke 9
9 is transfigured
Feeding 5,000 / Transfiguration / Following Jesus
Luke 10
10 is about 70
70 Disciples / Good Samaritan
Luke 11
1 prays to 1
1 against 1
11 woes
How to Pray / Jesus and Beelzebub / Woe to Scribes and Pharisees
Luke 12
1 sin = 2nd death
Unpardonable Sin / Greed and Worry / Be Ready
Luke 13
13 repents
Repentance / Sabbath Healing / Narrow Gate
Luke 14
1 invited to 4’s wedding
Wedding Feast / Great Banquet / Take Up Your Cross
Luke 15
1 looking for the lost 5
Lost Sheep / Lost Coin / Prodigal Son
Luke 16
1 is rich, 6 is a beggar
Unfaithful Steward / Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 17
1 deals with 7
Dealing with Offenses / Ten Lepers / Coming of Christ
Luke 18
Widow comes 18 times to the judge
Persistent Widow / Pharisee and Tax Collector / Rich Young Ruler
Luke 19
Little 1 climbs the 9 to see Jesus
Zacchaeus / Ten Pounds / Triumphal Entry
Luke 20
20 questions
Husbandmen / Jesus Questioned on Doctrine
Luke 21
21 signs
Poor Widow / Signs of Christ’s Coming
Luke 22
2 betrayed by the other 2
The Last Supper / Gethsemane
Luke 23
Trial and Crucifixion
Luke 24
2 get a bible study from the 4
Resurrection / Road to Emmaus / Great Commission