Jeremiah Flashcards
Jeremiah 1
Jeremiah using a 1 as a phone
God Calls Jeremiah
Jeremiah 2
2 walking away from God
The People Have Forsaken God
Jeremiah 3
Return, Return, Return
God’s Plea to Return
Jeremiah 4
Jeremiah 4telling
Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold
Jeremiah 5
Judah’s Rejection of God
Jeremiah 6
God’s Rejection of Judah
Jeremiah 7
God’s Rejection of Judah
Jeremiah 8
People Deceived by False Prophets
Jeremiah 9
Judgment and Mourning
Jeremiah 10
The True and Living God
Jeremiah 11
The Broken Covenant
Jeremiah 12
Jeremiah’s Question and God’s Answer
Jeremiah 13
Jeremiah’s Linen Belt
Jeremiah 14
The Great Famine
Jeremiah 15
God’s Rejection of Judah
Jeremiah 16
Why God is Destroying Judah
Jeremiah 17
Keep the Sabbath Holy
Jeremiah 18
The Clay and the Potter
Jeremiah 19
Israel Will Be Destroyed
Jeremiah 20
Jeremiah and Pashur / Jeremiah’s Prayer
Jeremiah 21
Babylon Will Conquer Judah
Jeremiah 22
Warnings to the Wicked Kings
Jeremiah 23
Warnings to False Prophets
Jeremiah 24
Good and Bad Figs
Jeremiah 25
70 Years Captivity / The Cup of God’s Wrath
Jeremiah 26
Jeremiah Escapes Death
Jeremiah 27
The Yoke of Babylon
Jeremiah 28
Hananiah’s False Prophecy
Jeremiah 29
Letter to the Exiles
Jeremiah 30
God Promises Restoration
Jeremiah 31
The New Covenant
Jeremiah 32
Jeremiah Buys a Field
Jeremiah 33
God Promises Peace and Prosperity
Jeremiah 34
Law of Slavery Broken
Jeremiah 35
The Obedience of the Rechabites
Jeremiah 36
Jehoiakim Burns Jeremiah’s Scroll
Jeremiah 37
Jeremiah’s Imprisonment
Jeremiah 38
Zedekiah Told to Surrender
Jeremiah 39
The Fall of Jerusalem
Jeremiah 40
Gedaliah Governs Judah
Jeremiah 41
Ishmael Murders Gedaliah
Jeremiah 42
Warning Against Going to Egypt
Jeremiah 43
Remnant Goes to Egypt
Jeremiah 44
Remnant’s Idolatry Condemned
Jeremiah 45
God’s Message to Baruch
Jeremiah 46
Judgment on Egypt
Jeremiah 47
Judgment on the Philistines
Jeremiah 48
Judgment on Moab
Jeremiah 49
Judgment on Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, Elam
Jeremiah 50
The Fall of Babylon
Jeremiah 51
The Fall of Babylon
Jeremiah 52
Fall of Jerusalem Retold