Exodus Flashcards
Exodus 1
Pharaoh with a 1 on his head
A new Pharaoh
Exodus 2
2 in the shape of a basket
Moses birth / flight from Egypt
Exodus 3
Moses looking at a 3 on fire
Burning Bush
Exodus 4
Rod in the shape of a 4
Moses Rod turned into a serpent
Exodus 5
Stack of 5 bricks and straw
Bricks and Straw
Exodus 6
Moses and Aaron in jeans
Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
Exodus 7
7 is a rod in red water
Moses’ Rod / Bloody River
Exodus 8
8 Frogs, lice, and flies
Frogs, Lice, Flies
Exodus 9
9 dead animals, hail, boils
Dead Animals, Hail, Boils
Exodus 10
“1” for locusts, “0” for no light
Locusts, Darkness
Exodus 11
Both hands are raised in celebration
People prepare to be delivered
Exodus 12
12 on a bloody Lamb
The Passover
Exodus 13
1 belongs to the 3
The Firstborn are God’s
Exodus 14
1 and 4 separate in water
Parting of the Red Sea
Exodus 15
15 music notes
Song of Moses
Exodus 16
Loaf of bread with a 16 on it
Exodus 17
1 uses the 7 to strike a rock
Water from the Rock / Moses’ lifted hands
Exodus 18
1 counsels the 8
Jethro counsels Moses
Exodus 19
19 at the base of a mountain
The People Prepare to Encounter God
Exodus 20
20 at the top of the mountain
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 21
Laws about Slavery
Exodus 22
22 protest signs
Laws about Theft
Exodus 23
2 - slander/festivals
3 - promise of conquest
Laws about Slander/Festivals
Promise of Conquest
Exodus 24
2 ascends the 4
Moses ascends the Mount
Exodus 25
5 is an “S” for sanctuary
The Sanctuary
Exodus 26
Six for sanctuary
The Sanctuary
Exodus 27
Seven for sanctuary
The Sanctuary
Exodus 28
28 dressed as a priest
Priest’s Garments
Exodus 29
Medallion with 29 on it given to priests
Priests are Consecrated
Exodus 30
3 in smoke, 0 as opening of a tub
Incense and Laver
Exodus 31
Size 31 pillow
The Sabbath Rest
Exodus 32
3 and 2 as horns on a calf
The Golden Calf
Exodus 33
Big 3 hides little 3
Moses sees God’s Glory
Exodus 34
3 ascends the 4
Moses ascends the Mount again
Exodus 35
Coins with 35 on them
Offerings collected to build the Sanctuary
Exodus 36
36 tells people”no more”, we can build
No more Offerings / begin building sanctuary
Exodus 37
3 using the 7 as a tool
Building the Sanctuary
Exodus 38
3 using the 8 as a tool
Building the Sanctuary
Exodus 39
3 using the 9 as a tool
Building the Sanctuary
Exodus 40
4 fills the 0
God’s Glory fills the tabernacle