Matthew - 10pt Chapter Analysis 22-28 Flashcards
KK3 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar.”
Which question immediately precedes this question, quote, “Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?”
M 22:17 Tell us then, what is your opinion?
JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Matthew 22:18 names which individual?
M 22:18 Jesus
KKn 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 22.
Verse 20 contains which questions?
M 22:20 Whose image is this? And whose inscription?
SD5 10 Scripture text question. 3-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Marriage at the Resurrection.”
How does Matthew complete the phrase quote “God of”?
M 22:32 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
KK5 JGp JFp JOw 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Greatest Commandment.”
What is the second greatest commandment?
Give the second greatest commandment.
M 22:39 Love your neighbor as yourself.
SD3 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Whose Son Is the Messiah?”
The opening verse names which individual?
M 22:41 Jesus
KKr 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Whose Son Is the Messiah?”
How does Matthew complete the phrase, quote, “son of”?
M 22:42 David
JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Matthew 22:45 names which individual?
M 22:45 David
JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Matthew 23:1 names which individual?
M 23:1 Jesus
SD3 JGf 10 Chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 23. Verse 2 names which individual? OR In whose seat do the Pharisees sit? OR Whose seat do Pharisees quote "sit in"?
M 23:2 Moses
SD3 JGf 10 Chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 23.
Verse 17 contains which exclamation?
About fools, Jesus exclaimed what?
M 23:17 You blind fools!
SDd 10 Chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 23.
Verse 24 contains which exclamation?
M 23:24 You blind guides!
SDp JFp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 23.Who was the son of Berekiah?ORWho was murdered between the temple and the altar?
M 23:35 Zechariah
SDr KKN JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Seven Woes on the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees.”
Who was unwilling?
Who killed the prophets?
Matthew 23:37 mentions which geographical location?
M 23:37 Jerusalem
SDp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times.”
Who left the temple?
M 24:1 Jesus
JOw 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times.”
Jesus asked which question?
M 24:2 Do you see all these things?
KKN JFp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times.”
Jesus sat where?
Jesus was sitting where?
M 24:3 Mount of Olives
JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Matthew 24:4 names which individual?
M 24:4 Jesus
KKn JOw 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times.”
Which prophet is named?
M 24:15 Daniel
SDp 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times.”
Those where should flee, quote, “to the mountains”?
M 24:16 Judea
SD5 10 Scripture text question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Day and Hour Unknown.”
How does Matthew complete the phrase quote “days of”?
M 24:37 Noah
JBp JGp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Day and Hour Unknown.”
Who entered the ark?
Matthew 24:37 names which individual?
M 24:38 Noah
JOw 10 2-part chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Parable of the Ten Virgins.”
At midnight, what cry rang out?
M 25:6 Here’s the bridegroom!, Come out to meet him!
JBp JOw 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Matthew 25:11 contains what exclamation?
M 25:11 Open the door for us!
SDd KKN 10 Chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 25.
In verse 26, how does the master address the servant?
Verse 26 contains which exclamation?
M 25:26 You wicked, lazy servant!
JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer.
Matthew 26:1 names which individual?
M 26:1 Jesus
JFp JBp JOw 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled "The Plot Against Jesus." Who was the high priest? OR Matthew 26:3 names which individual? OR The high priest's name was what?
M 26:3 Caiaphas
KKd 10 2-part answer. Chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 26.
Verse 6 names which individuals?
M 26:6 Jesus Simon (the Leper)
KKr 10 2-part question. 3-part chapter analysis answer. From Matthew chapter 26.
Verse 6 names which individuals and mentions which geographical location?
M 26:6 Jesus, Simon (the Leper), Bethany
JBp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Jesus Anointed at Bethany.”
What leper is named?
M 26:6 Simon
SDn 10 2-part question. Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Jesus Anointed at Bethany.”
Whose home was where?
M 26:6 Simon, Bethany
KKN 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “Jesus Anointed at Bethany.”
Indignant disciples asked which question?
M 26:8 Why this waste?
KKn JBp JFp 10 Chapter analysis answer. From the section titled “The Last Supper.”
Sad disciples asked which question?
One after the other, what did the disciples begin to say?
The disciples asked Jesus what question?
M 26:22 Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?