Application - XP - Meet 3 Flashcards
10 Application question.
What is a tetrarch?
M 14:1 A ruler of only part of a territory
10 Application question.
How can Christians resist fear?
M 14:27 By depending on God’s power and love
20 Statement and application question.
Jesus prayed alone on a mountainside. What does this mean for Christians today?
M 14:23 If Jesus, as fully God, needed time alone in prayer, how much more must we show our dependence on God in this way.
20 Scripture text application question.
What did Herod show by his statement, quote, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead”?
M 14:2 Even though Herod had John executed, he still honored and feared John.
20 Application quotation question.
Quote the verse in which Peter walked on water.
M 14:29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
30 Application question.
What are four spiritual principles illustrated by Jesus feeding the five thousand?
M 14:13-21 Jesus has power to perform miracles;
He has compassion on the needy;
He can multiply the little things we give Him to become great things;
He involves His followers in miracles.