Application - A - Meet 3 Flashcards
10 Application question.
Should Christians confront their Christian friends about sin?
M 18:15 Yes, beginning privately
10 Application question.
What is a ransom?
M 20:28 A price paid to obtain freedom for others.
10 Application question.
How is greatness measured in God’s Kingdom?
M 20:26 By serving others
10 Application question.
In the parable of the wedding banquet, what did the wedding clothes symbolize?
M 22:11 A condition of spiritual preparation and readiness
20 Application question.
What does it mean to become like little children?
M 18:3 Adopt an attitude toward God that is humble, dependent, trusting, and ready to accept instruction from the heavenly Father.
20 Application question.
Why did the rich young ruler fail to follow Jesus?
M 19:22 He loved the things he owned more than he loved Jesus.
20 Application question.
Who are the “first”?
M 19:30 Those, who because of their wealth, education, status, talents, or opportunities, are highly esteemed by the world.
20 Application question.
Who are the “last”?
M 19:30 Those who are relatively unknown, disregarded, or considered insignificant by others.
20 Application question.
Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey?
M 21:5 He fulfilled prophecy that the Messiah would come in humility.
20 Application question.
If you believe, will you receive selfish or ungodly things you ask for in prayer?
M 21:22 No, belief in this verse means aligning one’s life and desires with God’s will.
20 Application question.
What does the parable of the tenants illustrate?
M 21:33 Most of the people of Israel rejected Jesus as God’s beloved Son.
20 Application question.
What were phylacteries?
M 23:5 Boxes which contained passages of Scripture and were tied to people’s foreheads and arms.
20 Application quotation question.
What is the second most important commandment in the Bible?
M 22:39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
30 Application question.
What are three wrong attitudes that Jesus warned against in the parable of the workers in the vineyard?
M 20:1 Feeling superior because of a privileged position, assignment, or opportunity;
Failing to share God’s concern to offer his grace to all;
Envying the spiritual blessings of others.
30 Application question.
What are five ways that Christians can recognize false teachers?
M 23:28 Discern their character;
Discern their motives;
Evaluate the fruit of their life and message;
Discern their level of reliance on God’s Word;
Test their integrity with respect to the Lord’s money.
30 Application quotation question.
What power is there in united prayer?
M 18:19 Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
30 Application quotation question.
What is the most important commandment in the Bible?
M 22:37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’