Application - A - Meet 2 Flashcards
10 Application question.
What are three things Christians should do on the Sabbath?
M 12:1 Cease working
Worship the Lord
10 Application question.
What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
M 12:31 Continually and deliberately rejecting the Holy Spirit’s work
10 Application question.
What is a parable?
M 13:3 A story that teaches a lesson
10 Application question.
Whatis a tetrarch?
M 14:1 A ruler of only part of a territory
10 Application question.
How can Christians resist fear?
M 14:27 By depending on God’s power and love
10 Application question.
What primary characteristic of faith did the Canaanite woman demonstrate?
M 15:28 Perseverance
10 Application question.
What does yeast represent in teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees?
M 16:12 Evil and corruption
10 Application question.
What does transfiguration mean?
M 17:2 To change into another form
20 Application question.
Why was John the Elijah who was to come?
M 11:14 John the Baptist fulfilled the prophecy that an Elijah-like person would prepare the way for the Messiah.
20 Application question.
Describe the rest that Jesus gives.
M 11:28 Jesus offers relief from the heaviness of life and gives us the strength to deal with the difficulties we carry in life.
20 Application question.
Is it possible to stop being a Christian?
M 13:21 Yes, we must continue in faith and God’s grace to remain God’s children.
20 Application question.
Did the disciples disobey the Bible when they ate without washing their hands?
M 15:2 No, nothing in the Old Testament requires people to wash their hands before eating. The Pharisees quoted tradition, not the Bible.
20 Application question.
Why did Jesus refer to Peter as Satan?
M 16:23 Peter was opposing God and had taken a position identical with that of Satan, trying to sidetrack Jesus from accomplishing His mission.
20 Application question.
What are four characteristics of true faith?
M 17:20 True faith is effective;
It is faith in God, not faith in some force or power;
It is a work of God in the heart;
It is a gift from God.
20 Statement and application question.
Jesus prayed alone on a mountainside. What does this mean for Christians today?
M 14:23 If Jesus, as fully God, needed time alone in prayer, how much more must we show our dependence on God in this way.
20 Scripture text application question.
What did Herod show by his statement, quote, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead”?
M 14:2 Even though Herod had John executed, he still honored and feared John.
20 Application quotation question.
Quote the verse in which Peter walked on water.
M 14:29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
30 Application question.
What are four spiritual principles illustrated by Jesus feeding the five thousand?
M 14:13-21 Jesus has power to perform miracles;
He has compassion on the needy;
He can multiply the little things we give Him to become great things;
He involves His followers in miracles.