Maternity Part 2 Flashcards
How are contractions?
Where is discomfort?
What happens to pain when we change activity?
Contractions: Regular and increasing in duration
Discomfort: Back and radiating to the abdomen
Pain increases
How are contractions?
Where is discomfort?
What happens to pain when we change activity?
Contraction: Irregular
Discomfort: Abdomen
Pain goes away
Epidural anesthesia
What if there is a headache?
Given in what stage?
Major complication?
Lie on left side, leg’s flexed, could be indian style (not too much because we don’t want to get into the CSF)
*HEADACHE = CSF, there usually is no headache
Given in stage 1 @ 3-4 cm dilation
*Major complication: HYPOTENSION
What to do after an Epidural
Position? What does this position prevent?
How often do we alternate the position from side to side?
BOLUS 1000ml of NS or LR to fight the hypotension
Position: Semi-fowlers on their side to prevent vena cava compression
What happens if the vena cava is compressed?
It will decrease venous return, decreased CO, decrease BP, and decreased placental perfusion
Stages of labor
1st stage: Beginning of dilation to 10cm
2nd stage: Delivery of baby
3rd stage: Delivery of placenta
Phases of labor
Early/latent: Onset of labor to 3 cm
Active: 3 cm - 7 cm
Transition: 7 cm - 10 cm
Patient on oxytocin needs what?
ONE-on-ONE care
Complications of Oxytocin
Hypertonic labor (Too much contraction)
Fetal distress
Uterine rupture
Complete Uterine Rupture
Tear where?
S/S? What if the placenta separates?
What might stop the pain?
Tear through uterine wall AND peritoneal cavity
Sudden sharp/shooting pain
Hypovolemic shock d/t hemorrhage
Absent fetal heart tones if placenta separates
Pain may stop when contractions stop
Incomplete Uterine Rupture
Tear where?
Tear through uterine wall
Internal bleeding
Hypertonic contractions, lack of progress
May have pain, late decels, faint, vomit
May lose fetal heart tones
What patients are at high risk for uterine rupture?
Highest risk?
Vaginal birth after C-section d/t c-section scar opening under stress
Highest risk: When taking oxytocin
What kind of contractions do we want?
1 every 2-3 minutes, each lasting 60 seconds
Pauses allow more oxygen in
When would we need to DC the oxytocin?
What if late decals occur?
Contractions are too often
Contractions last too long
Fetal distress
How is oxytocin hung?
Piggy back to main IV fluid
How should the oxytocin patient be positioned?
What if the fetus has unreassuring heart tones like bradycardia?
Any position BUT FLAT
Place on left side to enhance uterine perfusion
Emergency Delivery
Only push when? Minimize touching what? Head crowns, what might you have to do? How to prevent coming out too fast? What to do when the head is out? Do you pull at all? Keep baby's head where? Why do we have to dry baby?
Only push during CONTRACTIONS Minimize touching vaginal area Head crowns, might have to tear the sac Place gentle pressure on the head Head is out - feel for cord around neck NO PULLING, ease each shoulder out Keep baby's head DOWN Baby can't regulate T yet
Emergency delivery
Keep baby at what level?
Place baby on what?
We need to keep baby warm!
What are we waiting for??
What if it all doesn’t come out? - Need to assess!!!
Can mom push to deliver it?
Keep baby at uterus level to prevent a bolus of blood from the placenta
Place on mom’s abdomen
Cover baby
Wait for it to separate and deliver
THINK HEMORRHAGE! Need to inspect that thing to make sure it’s all there!
Mom can push it out
Emergency delivery
How to deal with the cord?
Will it bleed?
Final thing to assess of the uterus?
Tie cord of with a piece of cloth or shoe string
Place 1 knot about 4 inches from baby’s belly button and 2nd knot 8 inches
Cord will bleed
Check for firmness: might need fundal massage to prevent a hemorrhage
T during first 4 hours might be what?
T might increase to 100.4
BP - stable
HR- 50-70 common for 6-10 days
Breasts soft for 2-3 days, then engorged
Abdomen soft/loose; diastasic recti