Material by Ros Barber Flashcards
What is this poem about?
It is fundamentally about the poets childhood with her mother; she notes how present her mother was by the symbolism of the hanky.
She notes how the role of the mother has changed as society had got more materialistic
she wishes she was more present in her own children’s lives.
long term possessions seem significant in a world of materialism today
What is the basic structure of the stanzas?
8 lines
regular strong structure
Why is the 6th stanza an exception to the rest of the poem? What is the significance of this?
it has 9 lines instead of 8
it also has enjambment across the lines
marks tonal shift
more sadness-tinged nostalgia
What does each stanza end with? What can this be interpreted to mean?
an end-stopped line
could represent:
traditional structure of society/world in times gone by
e.g. the break in this could show a trasnition
How else does the structure shift the tone? What tone does the poem shift to?
the final 3 stanzas begin with 1 line sentences (with end stop)
consideration and reflective tone
How does Barber use the visual form of the poem? How is this an effective technique?
she used italics to show names and phrases said by others
effective technique:
acts as a visual reference for the reader
remember message of poem more successfully
What rhyme scheme is used? What does this represent?
half rhymes
e.g. cloths and shops
- uncertainty
- informality of poetry in the modern day
However, what rhyme scheme does the 2nd stanza have? What does this represent?
strict alternate line rhyme
e.g. lace, face and there, squares
although some things have changed, there are still some similarities
Where is repetition used? What does it stand for?
“step-together, step-together, step-together”
Stanza 6
stands for:
this structure shows the formality in the old days
Where is symbolism used? What can it be interpreted to mean?
the handkerchief
can mean:
the many ideas and features of a past time in the poet’s childhood with their mother
What effect does the use of symbolism have on the reader?
the reader can associate their own experiences
makes it, on the whole, much more memorable
What does the contraction of words bring to the poem? What effect does this have?
brings a sentimental tone
e.g. “cardi”
brings more natural speech and rhythm
so sounds more story-like, and personal
What does the heavy use of pronouns emphasise?
personal connections and ideas
What type of references does Barber use? What effect does this have?
descriptive references
makes the reader feel like they almost are that person
e.g. through empathy
What is Barber’s aim?
to show how consumable the world has become
What do the proper nouns represent in the poem?
people who were very important in her upbringing
What do the concrete nouns represent? What effect does this have on the reader?
things disappearing from her youth
the reader sees the world changing through the eyes of the narrator
What technique is used in the last 3 lines of the poem?
rhyming triplet
e.g. disposable/material/will
How does the hanky symbolism show the change in the role of the mother?
hanky - durable material, lot of thought put into them (embroidered with initials)
tissues - disposable, weak, rushed thought
poetic voice is not as present as she perhaps could be
through juxtaposition
How is the hanky used as an extended metaphor?
allows the reader to understand how the speaker feels that her mother was a constant figure in her life
refers to the actual material of the hanky as opposed to how are shaped by our mothers, then shape our children
e.g. “raw materials” is important to consider, the importance of nurture in creating character
What are the predominant tones in the poem?
reminiscent and sad
nostalgic (materialism and take things for granted)
frustration with her own performance as a mother
How does the poem retain some flicker of hope through the sad tones used?
the fact the poetic voice has acknowledged the laziness of her own parenting, it gives the reader hope that she may change her ways
What themes are represented?
past and present
How is the theme of childhood represented?
looked at how situations have changed and developed over time
everything has been lost in that time
How is the theme of identity represented?
core principles,a ctions and opinions of mother and narrator are used to build up identity
social identity explored, too
how different objects and customs can be important even if their phsyial value is low
How is the theme of past and present presented?
clear transition of time
move from nostalgic past to more uncertain present
considerations for the future are made, too.