material and economic Self Flashcards
“A man’s self is the sum total of all that he can call his, not only his body and his psychic powers, but his clothes and his house, his wife and children, his
ancestors and friends, his reputation and works, his lands and horses, and yacht and bank account. ”
William James: Material Self
can be defined as the tangible objects, people, or places that carry the designation of my or mine.
material self
material self: Anything that ??? (i.e., things, persons, and experiences) is considers part of the self.
evokes emotions
Two Subclasses of the Material Self
bodily & extra corporeal self
bodily self: A tridimensional structure composed of (3)
sense of physical identity
- One’s body and possessions
- Intimate parts of who a person is
bodily self
- The extended self
- Beyond the body
- Psychological ownership
extra corporeal self
It is the use of good and services to satisfy a person’s current needs and wants.
* “use up, to spend wastefully, to destroy” (Gusdorf, 1978)
It is a philosophy that places a high value on objects, usually considering them more valuable than experiences or personal relationships.
Two Types of Motivation for Acquiring Goods/Services
intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
The goal of consumption is to get a
person closer to his/her personal
goals, regardless of what other
people think of him/her.
intrinsic motivation
An attempt to meet the expectations or definition of value set by other people.
extrinsic motivation
It is the consumers’ act of being thoughtful about the environmental, social, and ethical
consequences of their consumption, and thereby
chooses to consume responsibly, or be conscious consumers.
conscious consumption
According to ??? (1993), identity is defined as:
* A symbolic idea
* Dynamic and context-dependent
* An image built through social interaction
* Affected by social relations of power and symbolic
image of the world
According to Mach (1993), ??? is defined as:
* A symbolic idea
* Dynamic and context-dependent
* An image built through social interaction
* Affected by social relations of power and symbolic
image of the world