Matching Flashcards
Deferred Acceptance Algorithm (School & Student)
1) Each school/student proposed to its qs top choices
2) Each Student/school reject any not individual rational proposals and holds the most preferred one
3) Any school/student that was rejected proposes to new remaining tops
4) Algorithm stops after no rejection was made
Central Solution Concept for Matching
–> iff a matching is individually rational
–> iff there is no blocking agent (that would rather not be matched with his mate)
–> iff there is no blocking pair (a school - student pair that would to be preferred to be matched with each other rather)
Stable matching can always be found through deferred acceptance mechanism
Theorems about school matching
- There is no stablea nds trategy-proof college admissions mechanism.
- It is a weakly dominant strategy forstudents to tell the truth under thestudent-optimal stable mechanism
There existsno stablemechanism that makes it a dominant strategyfor each school to state its preferences over the students truthfully..
hestudent-andschool-proposing DA algorithmeachconverge to astablematching in afinite number of steps.