Mat Work Flashcards
Roll up
5-10 times
Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques
Start: supine, arms straight up overhead, feet pointed softly
INHALE: engage abs, nod chin and lift shoulders
EXHALE: Roll up and flex forward, reach past toes
INHALE: roll back - 1 vertebra at a time
CUE: Imagine you are rolling over a ball. You should not be using momentum. Keep your shoulders out of the ears
MODIFICATION: Start in a C -curve and roll up
Roll Over
3 times and switch
Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques, hip flexors
Start: supine, arms by sides, palms down, Legs 45, Legs together
INHALE: Lift your legs to 90 degrees
EXHALE: Roll legs over your head. Keep legs together. If you can touch the floor with your toes, not necessary
INHALE: Separate the legs apart - hip distance
EXHALE: Roll back down, one vertebra at a time. Bring legs back together
CUE: keep abs engaged. Think of legs reaching out of the hip socket. Work to keep knees straight
MODIFICATION: put hands under hips
Single Leg Stretch
10 times
Muscles: Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques
Start: supine, one leg in tabletop, the other out to 45, head nodded, shoulders lifted. Put one hand on shin and the other on your knee
INHALE: extend leg out to 45
EXHALE: switch
CUE: ensure chin is nodded, gaze at the nazel. Abs are pulled tight towards the spine. Reach long with your leg as if it’s come out of the hip socket.
Single Leg Circle
5-10 times
Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques, Transverse abs, erector spinae
Start: Supine, One leg is bent, knee pointing up. Other out in 45. Arms long by side, palms down. soft point in toe.
INHALE: Drift the leg that is extended across your mid-line and circle it down. KEEP HIP on mat
EXHALE: Bring leg up to complete the circle
Switch legs
CUES: circle can vary depending on pelvic stability. Shoulders and head remain relaxed and contact with the floor. Keep a neutral spine.
Double Leg Stretch
10 times
Muscles: Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques, hip flexors
Start: Supine. Both legs are table top . Finger tips at the knees.
INHALE: draw the hands along the body towards the ceiling past your head as you extend the legs out at 45 degrees
EXHALE: Circle the arms back and bring legs back into tabletop
Chin nodded and chest lifted. Don’t want back to arch
CUE: look at the navel
MODIFICATION: Keep head the head down
INCREASE INTENSITY: extend legs lower towards the floor
Criss Cross
5 on each side
Muscles: Muscles. Transverse abs, rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques
Start: Supine. Both legs in tabletop. Fingers behind ears, elbows out.
EXHALE: Rotate from the waist, aim the shoulder to the opposite knee as you extend the the other leg to 45
INHALE: back to center, legs into tabletop
EXHALE: repeat on the opposite site
CUE: twisting from the waist and elbows stay wide
INCREASE INTENSITY: extend legs lower towards the floor
Scissors with Hamstring pull
5 on each leg
Muscles: Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques, hip flexors
Start: Supine. Head nodded, shoulders lifted. One leg pointing up to the ceiling, the other leg at 45. Grab the leg by the ankle or calf
EXHALE: Pull the lifted leg towards your head, pulsing twice
INHALE: Keep legs straight and switch positions - moving the hand to the other leg
EXHALE: Pull the lifted leg towards your head, pulsing twice
INHALE: switch
CUES: pelvis stable, try to keep a neutral spine. The shoulder should stay out of the ears.
MODIFICATION: Tight hamstring, bend the knees & grab behind the thigh to pull the leg in.
INCREASE INTENSITY: Extended leg can be closer to the ground.
Roll like a ball
5-10 times
Muscles: Muscles. Rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques, transverse abs
Start: Balance on your sit bones, pelvis tucked, c-curve of the spine, feet in pilates first, knees tracking over toes, chin nodded, fingers on outside of the shins or ankle forming a circle with your arms
INHALE: Rollback
EXHALE: Pause at mid-thoracic, roll back up to balance on the sit bones
CUE: keep your head nodded. Scope your abs so that each vertebra touches the mat The shape of your body doesn’t change throughout the exercise.
MODIFICATION: Just balance
Open Legged Rocker
5-10 Times
Muscles: Transverse abs, rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques
Start: Balance on sit bones. Hold legs up by ankles or calves - straight legs in a V ( should width). Pelvis is tilted back, deep c-curve in lower thoracic, feet pointed.
INHALE: Chin nodded. Abs pulled in tightly, ASIS tilted posteriorly. Roll back to the upper thoracic.
EXHALE: Pause motion, roll back to start
5-10 Times
Muscles: Transverse abs, rectus abdominis, external & internal obliques
Start: Balance on sit bones. Pelvis tucked, c-curve with the spine. Feet together, knees open. Reach through the legs and hold feet with both hands at the outside of the heels. Chin nodded.
INHALE: roll back to upper thoracic
EXHALE: pause motion, roll up to start position, clap feet together 3x
CUE: Scope the abs so each vertebra touches the mat. Keep chin tucked. Keep the shape throughout the exercise and clap feet without moving from the ankle joint
Spine Twist
5 times on each side
Muscles: External & Internal Obliques, Multifidus, erector spinae
Start: Sitting tall. Shoulders over the hip bones. Legs out to V - about the width of the mat. Arms held out to the side, palms down.
INHALE: rotate from waist to one side, pulse 3x, grow taller & twist deeper
EXHALE: return to start
INHALE: rotate to the other side, pulse 3x
CUE: sit tall. Keep core engaged. Reaching crown of the head towards the ceiling. Hips should stay still. Shoulders down and back. Hands are reaching away from each other.
3 times on each side
Muscles: Obliques Internal External. erector Spinae, multifidus
Start: Sitting tall. Shoulders over the hip bones. Legs out to V - about the width of the mat. Arms held out to the side, palms down.
INHALE: twist , keep hips stable and spine long, arms aligned with shoulders
EXHALE: flex forward, reach pinky of arm to pinky toe
INHALE: Extend back up, keep trunk twisted
EXHALE: return to start
CUE: sit tall. Keep core engaged. Reaching crown of the head towards the ceiling. Hips should stay still. Shoulders down and back. Hands are reaching away from each other.
Single Leg Kick
Muscles: Erector spinae, hip extensors, gluteus maximus and hamstrings
Start: Lie prone. Rest head on hands. Legs apart & reaching long abs pulled tight. Pelvis is tilted tucked to support the back. Point toes
INHALE: raise one leg slightly off the mat
EXHALE: bend leg, squeeze flexed foot towards glute. Pulse 3x firmly as close as possible to the buttocks
INHALE: extend knee and reach leg long onto the mat
REPEAT with other leg
CUE: imagine squeezing a ball placed behind the knee with firm hard squeeze from the heel to the glute
Double Leg Kick
6 times
Muscles: Erector spinae, gluteus maximus and hamstrings
Start: Lie prone. Rest head on hands. Legs apart & reaching long abs pulled tight. Pelvis is tilted tucked to support the back. Point toes
INHALE: Slight lift of legs slightly off the mat
3 QUICK EXHALES: bend legs, squeeze flexed feet towards glute.3x
INHALE: lengthen legs, chest lifts and arms extend backwards
EXHALE: Return legs to the floor
CUE: Pull abs in to avoid overarching of back.
Bridge (improves muscle stability)
Muscles: Erector spinae, semispinalis, Multifidus, Glutes, hamstrings, Transverse abs, internal, external oblique
Start: Supine, knees bent. Feet sit bones distance apart pressed firmly into the mat
EXHALE: Press feet down, Engage core, lift the hips towards the ceiling, keep upper thoracic on the mat
INHALE: Place hips back down, return to start
CUE: Engage core with relaxed glutes
Bridge Curl (improve spinal flexibility)
Muscles: Erector spinae, semispinalis, Multifidus, Glutes, hamstrings, Transverse abs, internal, external oblique
Start: Supine, knees bent. Feet sit bones distance apart, pressed firmly into the mat
EXHALE: Imprint spine, roll hips up one vertebra at a time to the upper thoracic. Pause at the top
INHALE: Slowing roll back down, one vertebra at a time. Return to neutral spine.
CUE: Focus on the articulation of the spine
Side lying Series
Forward Kick
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. Top arm place on mat in front of chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Lift top leg to hip height, flex foot and kick forward 2x
Point foot to return to start
Side lying Series
Upper leg lift
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. Top arm place on mat in front of chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Flex foot as top leg lifts. point foot as the leg lowers back to start
Side lying Series
Upper leg lift
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. Top arm place on mat in front of chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Flex foot as top leg lifts. point foot as the leg lowers back to start
Side lying Series
Lower leg lift
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on the side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. The top arm is placed on a mat in front of the chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Lift the top leg to hip height and hold it up
Lift and lower bottom leg to meet the top
Squeezing the inner thighs together as they come together
Side lying Series
Leg Circles
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on the side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. The top arm is placed on a mat in front of the chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Upper Leg
Lift the top leg to hip height with a soft point on foot
Draw a circle with the foot - foot moves equally in front and behind bottom foot.
(TURN FOOT OUT moves muscles from Glute to quads)
Lower leg
Lift the top leg to slightly higher than hip height with a soft point on the foot
Draw a circle with the lower foot - the foot moves equally in front and behind the bottom foot.
increase focus on the adductor of the bottom leg, bend the top leg, and place the foot behind the bottom leg
Side lying Series
Toe & Heel Taps
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on the side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. The top arm is placed on a mat in front of the chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Toe Taps
Lift the top foot approx. Hip height. Begin tapping the toe to the front, middle, behind the bottom foot. Toe should barely tough the mat before lifting to return to tap. Forward, middle back, middle, forward, middle, back
Heel taps
Lift both legs off the floor, top leg about hip height. While legs are lifted, quickly click heels together. Squeeze the inner thighs together as the heels come together
Side lying Series
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on the side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. The top arm is placed on a mat in front of the chest. Feet slightly forward
Abs engage, bottom oblique lifted
Bottom leg is long. Bend the top knee with it pointing towards the ceiling. Toe of the top leg drags across the bottom leg toward the foot. Straighten the top leg, pointing your toe toward the ceiling. Bend the top leg and drag it back towards the foot to straighten leg
Side lying Series
Hip series
Muscles: Abs, glutes (max & medius) internal/external obliques
Start: Lie on the side on along the edge. Hips and shoulders stacked.
Head resting on bottom arm. The top arm is placed on a mat in front of the chest. Bend your knees and keep them together as if you’re sitting on a chair.
Claim shell - open and close top knee, heels remain together
Fire hydrant: lift top leg. keeping everything aligned, hip, knee and foot
Knee circles: lift top leg and circle the knees, moving equally in front and back of bottom of leg
Side Bend
10 times
Muscles: internal/external obliques, transverse abs, erector spinae, multifidus, deltoids
Start Sit like a mermaid with both legs stacked and feet staggered. The bottom arm is straight and directly below the shoulder. Top hand is on the hip
EXHALE: lift the hips off mat. Straighten legs, move to a side plank position
INHALE: return to start
CUES: draw in your abs. reach through the crown of your head. When your body is lifted, it should be in a straight line from head to heels.
MODIFICATION: Feet can stagger
6 times
Muscles: Rectus Abdominis, internal and external Obliques, rectus formis
Start: Lie supine, legs in table top, soft point of toes, arms reach above head at 45 dgrees
INHALE: nod the chin, lift the head and shoulders off the mat
EXHALE: roll up, extend legs out straight, sweep arms around, reach fingers long towards toes
INHALE: hold the position
EXHALE: articulate back down spine to start position
10 times
Muscles : Erector Spinae, multifidus, gluteus maximus, hamstrings
Start: Lie prone, with fingers and toes reach away from each other. Tuck pelvis to support the lower back. Pull abs off the floor
INHALE: lift straight arms and legs off the floor, look down at the mat, head reaches long, shoulder blades pull down and back
EXHALE: paddle kick like swimming. arms and legs
MODIFY: lift one arm and leg before lifting and lower the opposite leg and arm. Or they only do the arms and keep legs stable.
Leg Pull Front
Muscles: Transverse abs, rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques
Start: on hands and toes plank position. Hands directly under the shoulders. Pelvis tilted back; abs pulled up to protect lower back. Ensure hands are pressed firmly into the mat. Eliminate sink in shoulder blades
INHALE: raise one leg towards the ceiling, foot flexed, leg straight
EXHALE: lower leg
INHALE: Raise the opposite leg towards the ceiling
EXHALE: lower leg
CUE: keep hips stable - don’t want to rock from side to side
Weak abdominals- Bridge curl
Weak Gluteal muscles - lunges
Weak hamstrings - Hamstring Curl
Weak Hamstring and glutes: Zip/Parallel Feet in Straps
Sway Back
Weak abs - Plank to pike, Bridge
Tight Glutes: , hip extensors
Tight hamstrings - single leg stretch
Pectoral muscles tight - Chest Expansion,
Flat Back
Weak Hip flexors - Hands in straps (T, V, straight arm press)
Weak Hip Flexors: Unilateral feet in straps, Bend & Extend. Leg Push down and Froggy
Weak Scapular Muscles - Chest Expansion
SITS Muscles
Tere Minor
Function of Supraspinatus
Supraspinatus controls internal rotation and lifting of the arm. Abduction
Side Arm: Elbow Lift (internal & external)
Function of Infraspinatus
Infraspinatus allows you to externally rotate your arm in the shoulder socket.
Side Arm: External Rotation
Function of Teres Minor
Teres minor is a small muscle that helps rotate your arm. External Rotation
Side arm: External Rotation
Function of Subscapularis
Subscapularis controls arm abduction (holding your arm out straight, away from your body
Side arm: Transverse Pull, Internal Rotation
Side Arms: Single Arm Shoulder raise
Deltoid, latissimus dorsi, Rhomboids
Side Arms: Seat Rotation
Internal & External Obliques, rectus abdominis, psoas
Modification if shoulder injury
Don’t lift above shoulder
Put a pillow or small ball under arm to help stablize