Mastication, TMJ and Swallowing Flashcards
Infratemporal fossa
- wedge shaped
- lies inferior to the temporal fossa
Major Contents:
- Sphenomandibular Ligament
- Medial & Lateral Pterygoid muscles
- Maxillary artery
- Mandibular nerve - CN V3
- Branches of Facial nerve - CN VII
- Glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
- Pterygoid plexus of veins
Infratemporal fossa
- Main things to know that is within here
- Nerves + vasculature
Branches of the Mandibular Division (V3) of the Trigeminal nerve and the Maxillary Artery
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Nerve to Mylohyoid
- Lingual Nerve
- Buccal nerve
N.B. The Maxillary artery is a branch of the External Carotid Artery
Pterygoid Plexus of Veins
What is it and what is the risk here?
- Communicates with retromandibular and facial veins
- Possible route of infection:
- Infection can travel through here as the veins in the head and neck don’t have valves to stop them progressing
- process initiated by movement of the lower jaw:-
- Possibly since there is a synovial joint btwn the mandible and the temporal bone
- Movement here allows teeth to function in biting and grinding food
- Muscles of the tongue act to keep the food between the molars
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
- Articuar disc divides joint into upper & lower cavities
- Provides extra movement
- TMJ = simple hinge + sliding joint
- Provides extra movement
Types of Movement at the TMJ
Presence of the articular disc in the joint cavity allows more than one type of movement
- Takes place in the LOWER COMPARTMENT between the stationary disc and the moving condyle
- Takes place in the UPPER COMPARTMENT between the moving disc and the stationary fossa
Lateral temperomandibular ligament - the strongest ligament at the joint
6 basic movements of the Mandible
Produced when the gliding and hinge movements are combined
- Elevation
- Depression
- Lateral excursions (both left and right)
- Protrusion
- Retrusion
Muscles of Mastication
4 major ones
Supplied by the mandibular division (V3) of the Trigeminal nerve
- Massester
- Temporalis
- Medial Pterygoid
- Lateral Pterygoid
N.B. Also a number of minor masticatory muscles
- e.g. the superior and inferior hyoid muscles
Masseter Muscle
Double headed - has 2 origins
- Zygomatic Arch
- Mandible
- Muscle is qualrilateral in shape
- Covers most of the ramus of the Mandible
- Superficial fibres: are oblique
- Deep fibres: vertical in orientation
Actions of the Masseter Muscle
- using both massester muscles - powerful elevation of mandible = clenched teeth
- using both mass. muscles, deep fibres help retrude a protruded Mandible
Ipsilateral Rotation
- a single masseter can move the Mandible side to side
N.B.: All work together to provide normal movement
Fan shaped muscle
Attaches to side of skull and the coronoid process of the mandible
Insertion by the 3rd lower molar
Muscle arises from 2 heads:
- Attached to the Temporal bone
- Arises from the Temporal Fascia
Actions of Temporalis
Resting Tonus
- Maintain the normal mandibular rest position (i.e. closed mouth) when the subject is in the upright position
- Fibres of both sides are active esp in biting
- Posterior Horizontal Fibres of both sidesd retrude the protuded Mandible
Ipsilateral Excursion
- Acting one side only, temporalis is capable of pulling Mandible to the same side
Medial & Lateral Pterygoid Muscles
- Occupy the Infratemporal Fossa
Have to remove a portion of the Mandible to see the muscles
medial pterygoid muscle:
- Mirror of the Masseter Muscle on the inner surface of the Mandible
lateral pterygoid muscle:
- almost triangular in shape
- Only muscle of Mastication to lie horizontally
Actions of the
Medial Pterygoid Muscle
- Acting together, med ptery along with Masset are powerful elevators of the jaw
- Together the right and left muscles aid in protrusion of the jaw
Contralateral Excursion
- Muscle from one side, the med ptery moves the jaw to the opp side
Actions of the
Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
- Acting together the lat ptery are the prime protractors of the mandible
- Horizontal fibes pull the mandible forward onto the articular disc
- Contraction of both muscles pull the jaw forwards
- also with hyoid muscles help depress the jae
Contralateral Excursion
- Singly the lat ptery moves the Mandible in the opposite direction
Hyoid Muscles:
Always contract bilaterally.
Infrahyoid muscles: depress the hyoid bone and larynx during swallowing
Suprahyoid muscles: form the floor of the mouth.
- Act to raise the hyoid bone and larynx when the mandible is stabilised*
- Can also act with the infrahyoid and lat ptery to depress the mandible*
Infrahyoid Muscles:
- Stylohyoid
- Digastric
- Mylohyoid
- Geniohyoid
Suprahyoid Muscles:
- Omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- thryohyoid
- Sternothyroid
What is Ptylain?
An amylase that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates
What is the mechanism by which breathing is allowed whilst chewing by preventing food entering the airstream?
Bilateral contraction of the palatoglossus muscles narrow the OROPHARYNGEAL ISTHMUS
the posterior part of the tongue fills the remainder of the gap
What does relaxation of the palatoglossal muscles cause?
Opening of the Oropharyngeal isthmus
Takes 2 seconds from oropharynx to stomach
- As bolus reaches oropharynx, soft palate is made taught by tensor muscles & raised by the levator muscles
- Superior constrictor also contracts, closing the nasopharynx from the oropharnyx
- Larynx simulataneously is raised and brough forward by action of suprahyoid muscles, esp Geniohyoid and Ant belly of Digastric, to sit under the tongue, forcing epiglottis over the laryngeal opening
- Epiglottis - acts as a deflector
- Middle and inf constrictors contract, pushing bolus into the oesophagus continuing peristalitic contraction
- Aryepiglotic and Transvers arytenoid muscles contract reducing the size of the laryngeal inlet. Vocal and vestibular folds also close
- As food enters the oesophagus, the muscles relax and the hyoid bone and larynx return to their original position, upon which breathing can then resume
Begins as a voluntary movement but proceeds involuntarily once it has begun
1) Buccal Phase of Swallowing
Compression of bolus against the hard palate and elevation of the soft palate
2) Pharyngeal phase of Swallowing
Bolus comes into contact with the Pharyngeal wall. Larynx is elevated and the muscles propel the bolus towards the oesophagus.
3) Oesophageal phase of Swallowing
Oesophageal sphincter opens and bolus is pushed into it
what do the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the larynx prevent?
They prevent food or drink entering the glottis during swallowing