Cranial nerve anatomy Flashcards
Cribriform plate
Olfactory nerve (I) Meninges
Optic Foramen
Optic Nerve (II) Opthalmic Artery
Superior Orbital Fissure
N.b. all cranial nerves passing through here move the eyes
Occulomotor (III) Trochlear (IV) Ophthalmic branch of Trigeminal (V1) Abducens (VI) Ophthalmic veins
Originates: Mid-brain
Controls all extraocular muscles (except sup oblique and lateral rectus _ LR6SO4) and levator palpebrae superioris
Emerges from brain
CN III passes btwn sup cerebellar and post cerebral arteries
pierces dura mater
runs along the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
Foramen Rotundum
Maxillary branch of the Trigeminal (V2)
Foramen Ovale
Mandibular branch of the Trigeminal (V3)
Foramen Spinosum
Middle Meningeal Artery
Foramen Lacerum
Crossed by the Internal Carotid Artery
Internal Acoustic Meatus
Facial nerve (VII) Vestibulocochlear nerve (VII) Labyrinthine artery
Jugular Foramen
Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) Vagus nerve (X) Accesory nerve (XI) Inferior petrosal sinus Sigmoid sinus
Hypoglossal foramen
Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
Foramen Magnum
Midbrain: runs superiorly through the opening to join with the diencephalon Vertebral Artery XIsp Meninges CSF
Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves 3,4 & 6
All move the eye
CN III - Occulomotor
CN IV - Trochlear
CN VI - Abducens
Hypoglossal nerve CN XII
Moves the tongue
Cranial nerve pneumonics
On Old Olympic Tower Tops A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops
To know if a CN is Sensory, Motor or Both:
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Say Big Boobs Matter More
Anterior Portion of Brain
- CN I Olfactory
- CN II Optic
- CN III Occulomotor
- CN IV Trochlear
- CN V Trigeminal
- CN VI Abducens
- CN VII Facial
- CN VIII Vestibulocochlear: arises in the inner ear and goes to the pons
Medulla Oblongata
- CN IX Glossopharyngeal
- CN X Vagus
- CN XI (spinal) Accessory)
- CN XII Hypoglossal
Difference between Optic Nerve & Optic Tract
Optic Nerve:
- Just nerve fibres from one side
Optic Tract:
- Fibres from both sides
Functional anatomy of cranial nerves
Chewing & swallowing (tasting and smelling)
Non-verbal communication (facial expressions)
Sensory CN
(Afferent only)
* Sensory part lies in the periphery
Olfactory - CN I
Optic - CN II
Vestibulocochlear - CN VIII
Motor CN
Efferent only
Occulomotor - CN III Trochlear - CN IV Abducens - CN VI (Spinal) Accessory - CN XI Hypoglossal - CN XII
Mixed CN
Both Afferent and Efferent
Trigeminal - CN V
Facial - CN VII
Glossopharyngeal - CN IX
Vagus - CN X
Cranial nerves that have an AUTONOMIC part
They carry the “cranial” part of the craniosacral autonomic or parasympathetic outflow from the CNS
- 4 of them
CN III - Occulomotor
CN VII - Facial
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal
CN X - Vagus
CN Sensory Supply
- Cutaneous
CN Sensory Supply
- Non-cutaneous
Oral cavity (mucosa, tongue and teeth) Cornea Nasal Cavity & Paranasal sinuses Pharynx Larynx Tympanic Membrane
CN Sensory Supply
- Articular
TMJ - temperomandibular joint
Cervical vertebrae
Atlanto-occipital joint
CN Motor Supply
Muscles of facial expression Muscles of mastication Extra-ocular muscles Muscles of the tongue Muscles of the larynx and pharynx Cervical muscles
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for: - Smell
CN I Olfactory
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Visual acuity
- visual fields
- ocular fundi
CN II Optic
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for: - Pupillary reactions
CN II Optic
CN III Oculomotor
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for: - Extra-ocular movements, including opening of the eyes
CN III Oculomotor
CN IV Trochlear
CN VI Abducens
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Facial sensation
- movements of the jaw
- corneal reflexes
CN V Trigeminal
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Facial movements
- gustation (ant 2/3rds tongue)
CN VII Facial
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Hearing
- balance
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Swallowing
- Elevation of the palate
- Gag reflex
- Gustation (post 1/3rd tongue)
CN IX Glossopharyngeal
CN X Vagus
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Voice
- Speech
CN V Trigeminal
CN VII Facial
CN X Vagus
CN XII Hypoglossal
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for:
- Shrugging the shoulders
- Turning the head
CN XI Spinal Accessory
Cranial nerve(s) responsible for: - Movement and protrusion of the tongue
CN XII Hypoglossal
Abducens Nerve
- Passes through the SOF
Supplies Lateral Rectus Muscle
- allows you to move eyes laterally
Facial Nerve CN VII
- passes through the IAM
Comes out just below the ear and passes through the Parotid (salivary gland)
Part of it carries sensation from the outside of the ear
Branch of the nerve carries taste sensation from the front 2/3rds of the tongue
splits into several branches
Controls the muscles of facial expression
Simulates the salivary glands to produce saliva
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX)
Sensory: to oropharynx
Motor: only to stylopharyngeus muscle
Only cranial nerve to exit the brainstem on the posterior side
CN IV Trochlear
Largest CN
Longest CN
CN X Vagus
- reaches from the Medulla to the digestive and urinary organs
CN’s that carry sensory info about B.P. to the brain?
CN IX Glossopharyngeal
CN X Vagus
CN primarily responsible for pupillary constriction
CN III Occulomotor