Master the Boards: Gynecology Flashcards
Postcoital bleeding should be a red flag for what condition?
Cervical cancer
What are two systemic, endocrine causes of anovulation?
What congenital adrenal hyperplasia is the most common cause of labial fusion in females?
21-hydroxylase deficiency
What is treatment for both lichen sclerosus and lichen planus?
Topical steroids
Woman presents with pain, tenderness, dyspareunia, and a tender, fluctuant mass on her vulva. Dx? Tx?
Bartholin gland cyst
Incision and drainage, culture fluid, +/- maruspialization
58 yo female presents with a red lesion on her vulva with a superficial white coating. What is the most likely dx and tx?
Paget’s disease
Radical vulvectomy
A large, boggy uterus generally indicates what disease?
What is the most accurate imaging test?
In relation to menstruation, when does the pain of endometriosis start and peak?
Starts 2 weeks prior to menstruation and peaks 1-2 days before
What kind of drug is leuprolide? How must it be given to have a suppressive effect?
GnRH agonist. When given continuously it leads to a suppression of estrogen and ovulation
In PCOS patients who wish to conceive what drug should be given?
Clomiphene (and metformin)
What are the lifestyle modifications to control PMS?
What medication is used for severe PMS?
Reduce caffeine, alcohol, smoking. Exercise
Severe: SSRI