Mass Media Key Words Flashcards
Agency of social change
Influencing social attitudes and government policy
Agenda setting
The ability of the media to focus public attention on particular topics and therefore direct public discussion and debate on these topics
Lacking connection to the social world
Audio/visual media
Media such as television, radio etc
Beauty ideal
The view that women should strive for beauty
Violent TV shows are a way to release violent emotions - don’t cause violence
Preventing certain knowledge from becoming public knowledge or preventing certain things from being on TV
The way in which digital
Technologies can send many signals through the same cable
Collective intelligence
Collective information from resources to build up knowledge
The combination of different ways of presenting a variety of types of information
Compulsory heterosexuality
A word used to describe the enormous pressure to be heterosexual placed on young people by family, school, church and all forms of media
Cult of femininity
Something such as magazines which promote the traditional view of how women ‘should’ be, eg mother, housewife
Electronic/online media
Deviancy amplification
The process whereby societal reaction to deviance from the mass media and the public leads to an increase in the deviance by provoking more of the same behaviour
The practice of spreading risk by moving into new, unrelated assess of business
Digital divide
The difference between those who have access to new media and those who don’t
A small dominant group
False class consciousness
Coming to believe that capitalism is a fair system which benefits us all equally
Make powerful
The classification of people into groups that share a common culture, history and identity
Folk devil
A group that becomes defined as a threat to society
Gender trouble
Any behaviour which disrupts the culturally accepted motions of gender
Global conglomeration
The trend for media corporations to have a presence in many countries and operate in a global market
Ghetto superstar
One who has editorial control of media content
The growing interconnection between different countries, regions and people as the consumer goods and brands stretch across the globe
A word used to refer to the institutionalised discrimination against homosexuality and the privilege of heterosexuality
The norms and values of the ruling class
Investigative journalism
Journalism that aims to expose the misdeeds of the powerful
Hypodermic syringe model
The audience has no way of resisting the message and content of the media - it is being injected into them
An individual’s pathological dread of same sex love
Horizontal integration
Some media companies own a variety of media and other services, eg Virgin media and airlines
Media conglomerate
A company that owns various types of media
How we see ourselves and how others see us
Industrial dispute
Disagreements between management and workforce, often leading to workers going on strike
The consumers ability to interact with a media product
Mass communication
Reaching an audience of thousands or millions
Mass culture
The transition of cultural values through the mass media
Mass media
Forms of communication that reach large audiences
Channel of communication
Media concentration
The media us owned and controlled by a small number of companies
Media stereotype
A media image of a group based on prejudice
Relating to the modern world
Moral panic
When media coverage on an issue leads to exaggerated public concern
Participatory culture
We have the power as consumers it now shape the medias agenda
News values
Media professionals values about what topics are considered newsworthy
Norm referencing
The ability of the media to present some behaviour views and groups in different lights
An approach that argues that a range of views and opinions exist in society and this is reflected in a range of media products
Political socialisation
The process via which we acquire our political values and preferences
Popular feminism
The term used to describe the promotion of girl power in women’s magazines
An individual or groups ability to get what they desire despite opposition from others
Print media
Media that is printed
Magazines, newspapers etc
Selective filters model
Step 1 - selective exposure - the audience chooses how the want to receive the media, depending on a variety of factors eg education
Step 2 - selective perception - the audience interpret the media how they want
Private owned
Owned by a company or individual
Eg BskyB
The selection and control of information that becomes public knowledge - used to control what people think
A mutually advantageous combination of distinct elements as where two or more related businesses work together
Public secure broadcasting
The media outlets controlled by the state
Retributive masculinity
The attempt to reassert traditional masculine authority through the celebration of traditional male concerns such as football
Sexual objectification
Turning people, usually women, into objects of sexual desire
A theory that society is made up of of many different groups all having more or less equal power
Technological convergence
The tendency for once diverse media forms to combine as a result of digital technology
Vertical integration
Owning all the stages in the production distribution and consumption of a product
Public service broadcasting
Media outlets controlled by the state
Social class
People having the same social status based in things like income and occupation
Social convention
A generally expected form of social behaviour such as politeness
The lifelong process,of learning the skills, customs, attitudes, norms and values of your culture
State ownership
Owned and controlled by the government
To mark a particular social group or individual as different, disapproved of or even dangerous to others
Two step flow model
Opinion leaders are exposed to the media and the message is passed on
The way that society is divided
Symbolic annihilation
The way in which women’s achievements are often not reported on or are condemned by the mass media
Fundraising event that is broadcast on TV
Eg children in need telethon
Vertical integration
Owning all the stages in the production, distribution and consumption of a product