mass media Flashcards


mass media (n) Many people believe that the influence of ~ in our
society is too great.
a mass of people
the press (n) The main job of the ~ is to inform people about the
latest news.
= newspapers or
magazines (daily,
weekly or monthly)
subscribe to sth (v) If you ~ to a newspaper or magazine, it is delivered to
your doorstep regularly.
a subscription (n)
a viewer (n)
a listener (n)
~s are all the people that watch television at a given
time, whereas ~s, as the word says, listen to the radio.
watch TV
listen to the radio
viewing habits (n) Studies have shown that ~, especially of young viewers,
have changed over the last decades, with children
spending more and more time watching TV.
do sth out of habit
broadcast sth (v) BBC World Service ~s radio and television
programmes for learners and teachers of English.
publish sth
unbiased (adj) In a dictatorship, journalists are not allowed to broadcast
~ news since any open criticism of the leadership will
be punished.
= objective (adj)
report the facts
↔biased (adj)
a TV set (n)
a channel (n)
a programme (n)
In order to watch television, you need a ~. Nowadays,
television offers dozens of different ~s with a wide
range of ~s, such as news programmes or soap operas.
switch channels =
zap (v)
switch (sth) on (v) Most people find that ~ing on your TV is much easier
than turning it off again.
= turn it on
↔ turn / switch it off
a screen (n) It is only a year since this talented young actor has made
her ~ debut.
a star of stage and
public television (n)
license fees (n)
~ , like the first three channels in Germany, is mainly
financed by monthly ~ that all viewers have to pay.
regulated by the
advertise (v) Companies ~ on TV or in magazines in order to
persuade consumers to buy their products.
advertising (n)
an advertisement (n) If you want to sell your old furniture, why don’t you
place an ~ in the local newspaper?
= an ad(vert) (n)
a commercial (n) Private television, on the other hand, is financed by
advertising, i.e. by broadcasting ~s at regular intervals.
a commercial break
market research (n) All private TV channels do extensive ~ in order to
make sure that they produce programmes that appeal to
the target groups of their commercials.
a survey (n)
(the) ratings (of a
programme) (n)
If a programme has high ~, it is popular with audiences,
i.e. a lot of people are watching it or listening to it.
high / low ratings
cancel (v)
(a programme)
In the US, TV stations often ~ a programme after only
one or two weeks if the ratings are not satisfactory.
cancel an order
interactive (adj) There are plans to introduce ~ TV where viewers are
able to select programmes at their own convenience.
interact with sb (v)
= communicate
a satellite dish (n) By using a receiver and a ~, one can receive TV
channels from several different countries.
wash the dishes
a remote control (n) If you press the ~, you can switch channels on a TV set
or adjust the volume.
a remote area
a weather forecast
According to the latest ~ there will be heavy showers in
Scotland and the north of England.
forecast sth (v)
= predict sth
a documentary (n) Yesterday we watched an interesting ~ about the
wildlife in South Africa.
a ~ is based on
a manual (n) If you buy a new product, e.g. a DVD player, the
producer includes a ~ to explain to customers how this
product works.
Please follow the
instructions in the ~
store sth (v) Today personal computers are able to ~ more data than
the older industrial models.
storage (n)
retrieve sth (v) Using specialised software, it is often possible to ~ data
on a damaged computer disk.



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freedom of the press
In 1791, the American Bill of Rights guaranteed
American citizens the ~.
freedom of speech
regional newspapers In the US, there are few national publications, with the
exception of USA Today and the Wall Street Journal.
The market is dominated by ~.
local newspapers
quality newspapers (n)

~, such as the Times, the Guardian or the Independent,
ensure a high standard of reporting.
= broadsheets (n)
tabloids (n) ~ like the Sun or the News of the World, on the other
hand, are directed towards a mass readership.
= popular papers
 the gutter press /
the yellow press
eye-catching layout
They rely on ~, sensational headlines and articles that
can be easily read by everybody.
try to catch sb’s eye
sensationalist (adj) But there have always been controversies over whether
individuals should be protected against ~ reporting.
celebrities (n) ~ like Madonna or Cher often complain about being
persecuted by photographers.
= well-known persons
 a VIP
influential (adj) The Sun is considered by many as the most ~
newspaper in the UK today.
influence sb (v)
appear (v) In England, the first daily newspaper ~ed in the
eighteenth century.
= was published
circulation (n)
a copy (n)
Today, the Times, the most famous British newspaper,
has a ~ of about 300,000 ~ies per day.
= number of printed
source (n) Television has become the most important ~ of
information and entertainment for most people.
the ~ of a river
a network (n) Nation-wide television ~s like ABC, NBC and CBS
provide local stations with a wide range of programmes,
which also means that their influence is immense.
tune in to (v) In the USA most people can ~ over 100 different
television channels via cable TV.
“pay-per-view” TV In ~, a subscriber pays a fee in order to watch a single
programme or film.
”pay TV”
audience ratings (n)
revenues (n)
Since commercial stations rely heavily on ~ to increase
their advertising ~, entertainment plays an important
role in American television.
= income (n)
prime time This is particularly true during ~, i.e. the period
between 6 and 10 p.m.
interrupt sth (v) Even news programmes are presented as shows and ~ed
regularly by commercials.
an interruption (n)
uninterrupted (adj)
non-commercial (adj) In the US, only about one fourth of all TV stations are
~, i.e. not financed by advertising.
commercial (adj)
educational (adj) PBS, the single non-commercial TV network in the US,
broadcasts primarily ~ and cultural programmes.
educate sb (v)
funded by (v) It is ~ mainly ~ the US government and various
= financed by
a presenter (n) A ~ is the person who introduces different sections of
radio or television programmes.
= an announcer (AmE)
coverage (n) Several channels provided complete ~ of all
competitions at the Olympic Games.
report / cover events
news agencies (n) TV and radio stations as well as newspapers rely to a
large extent on ~ which gather news worldwide and
provide the media with information.
e.g. AP or Reuters
be addicted to sth
If you are ~ to watching television, you cannot live
without it.
a TV addict (n)
a drug addict
suitable for (adj) Some parents complain that most Hollywood films are
not ~ for children, e.g. because they are too violent.
= appropriate
censorship (n)
edit sth out (v)
But producers emphasise that the constitution bans any
~ of the media.
They have ~ed out all references to her father in the



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