masculinity and crime Flashcards
why would parsons argue that men commit more crime?
defined gender roles in the family. if boys don’t have access to male role model, they reject all femininity and emphasise toughness and aggression resulting in crime.
ao3 of parsons view on men committing crime?
oakley argues gender is a social construct.
what does cohen say on masculinity and crime?
absence of male role model means boys find masculine identity through street gangs.
what does katz say about masculinity and crime?
postmodernist view that there is a role of pleasure in committing crime. the emotional thrills can provide a break from boredom.
ao3 of katz’s theory on pleasure?
links to lyng’s edgework theory as crminals percieve crime to be thrilling activity.
what does connell say on hegemonic masculinity?
males identify what it means to be a real man, eg toughness, aggression, competitiveness and power. like to assert masculinity.
what does messerschmidt say about hegemonic masculinity?
men may turn to crime as a way of asserting masculinity when traditional means (success in school/work) are blocked.
what does messerschmidt say about subordinated masculinities?
men with no desire to accomplish hegemonic masculinity, as wel as w/c EM men lacking resources.
ao3 of messerschmidt?
ignores that most men are law-abiding.
what does winlow say about postmodernity, masculinity and crime?
globalisation lead to loss of manual labour jobs where men express masculinity by physical labour and proividing. now jobs in clubs/pubs, gives new opportunities for crime eg drugs . masculinity can now be shown through violence.
ao3 of winlow’s theory about masculinity and crime?
shows how expression of masculinity has changed with move to post modern de-industrialised.
what does winlow say about bodily capital?
to maintain reputatuion and employability, men must use bodily capital eg bodybuilding. sign of masculinity.