Mary's Excecution Flashcards
Mary had been involved in several Catholic plots before, but Elizabeth had always been reluctant to take action against her.The evidence gathered by Walaingham persuaded Elizabeth to
Put Mary on trial
In October 1956, Mary was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.After hesitating for several months,
Elizabeth eventually signed the death warrant.The excexution took place on 8 February 1586
Why was Elizabeth very reluctant to excexute Mary ?
Mary was the queen of Scotland, she was a legitimate monarch.Elizabeth believed in the Divine Right of Kings - that rulers were sent by God.Therefore she had no right to excecute a legitimate monarch.She also feared by excecuting Mary ( a legitimate monarch ) she would undermine her own claim to rulw by Divine Right.This might fuel more plots against her.
How did Mary’s excecution reduce the threat from Catholics at home ?
The excexution of Mary , Queen of Scots removed the long standing Catholic threat at home.English catholics had no one to rally around .They loat hope of ever overthrowing Elizabeth and reversing the religious settlement.There were no more major Catholic plots during Elizabeth’s reign
How did Mary’s excecution increase the threat from abroad ?
Maryks excexution inflamed Catholic opposition abroad and increased the risk of a foreign invasion.King Philip had been preparing an attack since 1885.Mary’s excecution made things worse as Philip was even more determined to invade..
There was alao danger that Mary’s son, James VI of Scotland might seek revenge for his mother.There were fears he might form an alliance with another Catholic Power in Europe in order to invade England .