Mary I Flashcards
what was Mary’s main priority of government?
the restoration of Catholicism
who were Mary’s new councillors?
bishop Gardiner, lord Paget and cardinal pole
what happened to Elizabeth after wyatts rebellion?
she was imprisoned in the tower as Mary believed her to be implicated in the rebellion
what was the reaction to the marriage with Philip?
the public disliked Philip because of widespread xenophobia. main cause of wyatts rebellion in January 1554
when was Mary’s first parliament? and what did it achieve?
1553- repealed and swept away all religious legislation approved by Edward in his reign
How many MPs opposed reversal of Edwardian religious laws?
80 MPs
when’s second Act of Repeal passed? what did it do?
January 1555- re-established pope as head of the church
what decisions did parliament prevent Mary from taking?
the return of ex-monastic lands to the church as many of those in parliament had benefited from this land
what bill did parliament defeat in 1555?
the bill to allow seizure of property of protestant exiles
Why was the new pope Paul IV an issue?
the new pope Paul IV was fiercely anti-Spanish
what were the naval reforms introduced?
- number of ships increased from 3 in 1555 to 21 in 1557
- reorganised the administration and finance of the navy
- peacetime budget of £14,000 allocated to navy
what were the military reforms introduced?
reformed how troops were raised, now under a militia under which lords and JPs in each county given responsibility to raise troops
how much debt did Mary inherit and leave?
she inherited £150,000 and left £300,000
how many parliaments did Mary have in her reign?
how many were involved in wyatts rebellion?
3000 men
what problems did Mary face when restoring papal jurisdiction?
- the protestant church was protected in statute law
* many members of political elites, on who support Mary depend on, had benefitted from ex-monastic lands
how many bishops were deprived of their livings?
7 bishops
what dilemma did Mary face when reversing royal supremacy?
she had to accept that original laws passed by Henry VIII were legally valid which would mean she had to accept superiority of statue law over divine law
when was the ex-monastic lands dispute settled?
in the 3rd parliament (Nov 1554- Jan 1555)
what caused the issue of ex-monastic lands?
the land from dissolved monasteries had fallen into private hands and the pope wanted it returned to the church, which was impossible.
how was the ex-monastic lands situation solved?
Charles V and Pole had told the pope that the land was in the hands of Catholics
what act was reversed in Mary’s 3rd parliament?
the Henrician Act of Attainder
what did pope Paul IV do in relation to Pole?
dismissed him as papal legate in April 1557 and accused him of heresy, Mary refused to let him go
who did pope Paul IV name as papal legate?
William peto, Mary refused to acknowledge this
how many protestants fled in 1554?
how many protestants were burned?
289- (237 men - 52 women)
who were the higher profile victims of burnings?
Archbishop Cranmer and bishops hooper and Ridley
how many clergymen were burned?
what effects did the burnings have on the population?
created widespread sympathy and Martys
what was the book of Martys?
Foxe first published in 1563 detailed the burnings and condemned them
when was poles legate synod? what was it?
1555-1556 made bishops remain in their dioceses and they were to oversee religious life of their parishes
what signs of the return of Catholicism were there when Mary arrived in London?
1553- altars reappeared in Melton Mobray and mass is heard in Bishopsgate
what were the socio-economic problems for Mary?
- harvest failures in 1555 and 1556 brought food shortages
- between 1556-1558 influenza epidemic
- tax was high to pay for war against France
what did the court of the exchequer take over in 1554?
both the Court of First Fruits and Tenths and the Court of Augmentations
why was Wyatts rebellion highly significant?
- it showed that although protestants were a minority they could not be ignored
- demonstrated the suspicion of Spanish marriage
- resulted in execution of Lady Jane Grey
When did Mary introduce a new Book of Rates? What impact did this have?
Mary introduced a new Book of Rates in 1558, which saw her customs revenue dramatically increase.
What % of the clergy were deprived of offices for being married?
10-25% of the clergy were eventually deprived of their offices for having married.
how many copies of the 1552 book of common prayer remained in circulation during Marys reign?
19,000 remained in circulation
By what % had agricultural wages fallen by Mary’s reign in the previous 50 years?
By Mary’s reign, agricultural wages had fallen by 60% in the previous 50 years.
where was wyatts rebellion stopped? why was this significant?
stopped half a kilometre away from the queen, rebels close to success in removing the queen