Elizabeth I Flashcards
what was the treaty of Cateau-cambresis?when?
1559- England and France reached agreement on calais, where France would retain calais for 8 years then restored to England, if failed to return France would pay a pension of £125,000
what was the connection between Francis ii and Scotland?
Francis ii was Married to Mary queen of Scots
what relation was Mary queen of Scots to Elizabeth? what problem was this?
Elizabeths cousin, Mary had claim to the throne
what was the strongest catholic family in Europe?
Guise, Francis ii was member of this family
how did the French intervene in Scotland?
Francis ii sent troops to garrison in Scotland
who was alarmed by the French troops in Scotland?
John knox, the leader of the Calvinist Scottish reformation
why was Elizabeth reluctant to intervene in Scotland?
she was cautious about interfering in domestic affairs of another nation rebelling against a sovereign authority, she also loathed Knox
what convinced Elizabeth to intervene in Scotland?
Cecil threatened to resign if she didn’t intervene as he sought to remove Mary queen of Scots
what was the treaty of Edinburgh?when?
July 1560- the lords of the congregation accepted as provisional government
what was the outcome of the Scottish conflict?
Elizabeth and Cecil had won, Mary’s power had been reduced and the interests of Scottish protestants protected
when did conflict break out in France and who between?
March 1562 between catholics and protestants
who encouraged Elizabeth to put pressure on the French crown?
Robert Dudley (earl of Leicester), so to ensure return of calais
what did Elizabeth promise the French protestant leader Huguenot?
6000 men and a loan of £30,000 with control of Le Harve
what happened to Huguenot’s army?
they were defeated leaving both sides leaderless
what was the peace settlement that came as a result of French intervention failure?
Treaty of Troyes 1564
what was the outcome of intervention in France?
Elizabeth lost calais permanently
what were Elizabeth’s aims in the Netherlands?
- ensure Spain doesn’t gain greater control of Netherlands
- make sure rebels don’t rely on French troops
- keep costs to a minimum
what did the duke of alba do leading to a trade embargo?
1563- alba seized English ships
who was John Hawkins?
a merchant and ship owner. he was a privateer and slave trader
which port did John Hawkins blockade?
1568- Mexican port of San Juan de Ulua
what did Elizabeth impound from Alba? When was this?
1568-money intended for alba shipwrecks in England, Elizabeth impounds all of the money (400,000 florins)
what was the ‘spanish fury’?when?
1576- spanish troops went on murdering rampage in Antwerp
what was the pacification of Ghent?when?
1576- reaction to spanish fury, called for expulsion of all foreign troops in Netherlands, uniting all 17 provinces against the spanish
who was the Duke of Anjou/Alencon?
French catholic duke, who was potentially going to marry Elizabeth
when was the Treaty of Joinville?when?
1584- alliance between Philip I and catholic league in France, put political pressure on Elizabeth
how did Elizabeth keep costs down in the Netherlands up till 1585?
subsidised German mercenaries, rather than direct military support
what was the Treaty of Nonsuch?when?
1585- Elizabeth sends 7000 soldiers under command of Leicester, forces were poorly disciplined and argued with dutch
why was Leicester recalled back to England in 1586?
he attempted a coup to take authority over the Netherlands (against the orders of Liz)
what was the cost of maintaining forces in the Netherlands between 1589-94?
how much did it cost in total for the Netherlands campaign?
over £2 million
how did the campaign in the Netherlands end?
1594- the spanish expelled from all northern Netherlands, however southern states still under spanish control
what was the treaty of Blois?when?
1572- defensive treaty between England and France
which French duke did Elizabeth support? how does she support him?
duke of Anjou/Alencon, she sends him £100,000 for a campaign in the Netherlands
which French monarch did Elizabeth support with military finance from 1589?
Henry iv of Navarre
how many troops did Elizabeth support Henry iv with?
what did John Hawkins do that infuriated the spanish in 1596?
successful attack on Cadiz
what was the St Bartholomew’s massacre?when?
august 1572- massacre of huguenots, maintained the treaty of Blois
what event caused the delay of the Spanish Armada?
a successful English attack on Cadiz in April 1587
what was the plan for the Armada?
its objective was to reach the spanish Netherlands, where the spanish army commanded by palma would board the ships and invade England
what happened when the spanish ships were spotted off the coast of Cornwall?
30th July- 6 august 1588 armada engaged in battle in the English Channel
what caused the spanish to overshoot The Netherlands
the armada was blown past the Netherlands by “protestant wind” which made the ships have to sail all the way round Scotland
why did the armada eventually fail?
having to sail round Scotland was rough and lost ships to the coast, the attempt to gain catholic support failed
What was the result of the treaty of Troyes?when was it?
1564-Calais was lost for good
What was the union of Urecht?when?
1579- brought together 7 northern Netherlands provinces against Spanish rule
when did Mary queen of Scots return to Scotland?
1562 after death of Francis ii in 1560
who does MQS marry in 1565? what happened to him?
in 1565 she marries Lord Darnley,
he was murdered in 1567 with the earl of Bothwell being suspect
when does MQS flee to England?
what was the Ridolfi plot? when? what was the outcome?
1571- the plan ( ridolfi involved in Norfolk Mary plot 1569) was to march on London with spanish troops, overthrow Elizabeth and put Mary on the throne.
The outcome was that no spanish help came, Burghley uncovered the plan and pressured Liz to execute Norfolk and Mary, she agreed to execute Norfolk
what was the Throckmorton plot? when? what was the outcome?
1583- plan was for spanish troops to land and gather support under command of duke of guise and Arundel
The conspiracy was broken as Walsingham had mole in French embassy who targeted Throckmorton. Throckmorton confessed and was executed, Arundel imprisoned
what was the parry plot? when?
1585- welsh MP William parry confessed to plotting to assassinate the queen and replace her with MQS. he was executed for treason
what was the Babington Plot? when? what was the outcome?
1586- babington a young catholic gentleman had links ton exiled spanish ambassador, Mendoza. Mendoza wanted to invade England and promote catholic uprising to assassinate Elizabeth and replace her with MQS
letters between babington and MQS were discovered by walsingham. The conspirators were arrested and Mary stood trial
when was Mary queen of Scots executed?
8th February 1587
when was Elizabeth excommunicated?
who were some of the possible marriages to Elizabeth?
1560-61 possible marriage to Dudley (Leicester)
1579- proposed marriage to Duke of Anjou
when was the Act of supremacy? what did it do?
1559- made Elizabeth supreme governor of the church of England, reformation legislation restored
when was the Act of uniformity? what did it do?
1559- specified single book of common prayer, but with two modification.
allowed both forms of the eucharist and the black rubric was omitted
also laid down that non attenders of church would be fined
what confusion was caused by the Act of uniformity?
specified that ornaments of the church and of minsters should be those before the passing of act of uniformity 1549, this therefore allowed popish vestments which many protestants considered catholic
what did the 1559 injunctions do?
- first injunction made clear protestant character, emphasised suppression of superstition (catholic practise)
- eucharist on a communion table
- disapproval of clerical marriage, removal of pilgrimage and use of candles
when were the 39 articles of religion? what were they?
1563- based on 42 articles, placed emphasis on features of reformation as justification by faith and predestination.
also provides definition of authority of bishops
how successful was the religious settlement?
the queen had reestablished royal supremacy and showed some stability. however catholics believed the practise of their faith had been eroded and protestants didn’t believe it to be radical enough
what were the religious motivations behind the Northern rebellion in 1569?
westmoreland resented radical protestants in key posts. ordinary participants motivated by desecration of symbols and vandalised church of st andrew.
these were not the main factors
which years did John Hawkins go on successful expeditions?
1562 went to Africa, with cloth and captured locals and took them as slaves
1564: a group of shareholders funded second epedition
what was the success of Francis Drake’s expedition in 1572-73?
succeeded in capturing Spanish silver
what success did drake have in his expedition 1577-80?
further dented Spanish reputation. raided west coast of Spanish America and captured a ship of silver.
profited 4000%
why did Walter Raleigh fail in setting up colony in North America?
gained patent for colony called Virginia, both attempts in 1585 and 1587 failed
what success did Lancaster have sailing round Africa? what year?
1591: captured two Portuguese ships, however return journey was a nightmare, insufficient supplies to reach England. he sailed to West Indies where crew mutinied and put him ashore
which year was the East India Company founded?
1600, backed by Lancaster who after Elizabeths death returned with fully laden ships in 1603
what was the Act for maintaining tillage? when?
1563: all land must remember under tillage and not be enclosed.
what was the Statute of Artificers? when?
1563: attempt to regulate both industry and agriculture, fixed maximum but not minimum wages
when was Statute against conversions to pasture and Statute against engrossing of farms? when?
1598: designed to prevent further conversion of tillage into pasture
when was the act for maintaining tillage repealed?
what was the Vagabonds Act? when?
1572: punished vagrants and JPs to keep register of the poor. they also had to provide shelter for elderly and sick
what was the Act for the relief of the poor 1576?
1576: the able bodied poor were directed by JPs to find work, those who refused sent to house of correction
what was the Act for the relief of the poor 1598?
1598: secure apprenticeships for children and provide employment or materials for adults. build hospitals for old and sick
what was the Act for the punishment of rogues? when?
JPs establish houses of correction for rogues and vagabonds, rogues were to be whipped before.
who’s responsibility was poor relief?
it was the responsibility of the local parishes and JPs
how much did wages increase by?
what percentage of cloth exports went through London?
what percentage was urban poverty?
what years were there poor harvests?
1594-97 saw four successive poor harvests
when and where did food riots occur?
in London, the south east and west in 1595 and in East Anglia in 1596-97
what percentage of the population owned what percentage of the wealth?
23% of the population owned 55% of the wealth
When was the northern rebellion? How many rebels involved?
1569: 5700 rebels led by earls of Northumberland and Westmorland, involved marriage plot with MQS and Norfolk
What was Elizabeth’s reaction to northern rebellion?
Elizabeth executed around 450 rebels
how long did Tyrones rebellion last?
1594-1603: ended after elizabeths death
what was elizabeths response to Tyrones rebellion?
sent earl of Essex to Ireland with army of 17,000 men
how did Essex fail in the tyrone rebellion?
essex marched his men to ulster rather than face tyrone directly, he then made a truce with tyrone
when was the Essex rebellion? what was it?
1601: earl of Essex planned a coup to control Whitehall, storm the tower and remove Cecil from power.
how many were involved in the rebellion?
300 men gathered around Essex house and he gained little support for armed uprising
how did the Essex rebellion end?
the plan was discovered and the plan had to be scaled back. when he returned to Essex house he surrendered and was executed along with 5 associates
Which event was the turning point which prompted Elizabeth to send troops to Netherlands?
Treaty of Joinville 1584 made her sign treaty of Nonsuch 1585 to send troops to Netherlands, before then used German mercenaries
How did Elizabeth attempt to reduce costs in later foreign policy?
Used private funders to finance part of the expeditions
how many poor harvests did Elizabeth have in her reign?
9/44 harvests were poor
From 1795 onwards, how many attacks did England make on mainland/colonial Spain?
From 1795, England made 3 attacks on Spain’s mainland and colonies.
What example is there of a successful attack on Spain?
England successfully captured and occupied Cadiz in 1596, sinking 4 galleons in the process.
When was the Madre de Dios captured?
The Madre de Dios was captured in 1592
what were public private partnerships? what were there for?
partly private invested and crown investment, to finance campaigns and expeditions. capture of madre de dois an example of this in 1592
How many in London died of plague in 1563?
As much as a quarter died of plague in London in 1563