marxist perspective on education Flashcards
education is part of the ideolgical state aparatus used to maintain the rulling classes’ dominant place is society. this is achieved by:
- reproducing class inequality by transmitting the ruling class ideology from generation to generation by. failing each generation of working class pupils leading them to becoming manual workers
- legitismises class ineqaulty by persuasing pupils that ineqaulity is inevitable and that they deserve their suborniante class in society as hierarchy is natural. making them less likely to uprise against capitalsim
criticsm of althusser
durkheim argues that instead of teaching norms and values that protect capitalism education system
it teaches norms and values which creates a vlaue concnecus over the whole population which has a postivve effect at creating social soldiarity and a sense of togetherness keep society functioning nad wokring together as an oranic organism
correspondance principle
bowles and gintis found in thier study of schooling in captialist america that the traits that benefit capitalism are rewarded in school
they beleive that school marks the ‘long shadow of work’ mirroring the workplace from hierarhcy to subserviance and hard work which then perpares students to fit in and feel comfortable in the workplace
criticsm of the correspondance principle
post modernists argue that we are now in a post-fordist society. and that our workforce no longer respebles and assembly line but is now instead fragmented and diversitifed it no longer respebles hierahcy therfore schools no longer repoduse this but repoduced creativity to fit the new work style
hidden cirriculum
bowles and gintis argue that the traits neeceary for workers are taught in school through a hidden cirriculum of ‘life lessons’ which are taught non explicitly ex thouhg everyday workings of the school like compeition and working for rewards
example of hidden cirriculum
argues youth trainign schemes dont provide people with jenuine job skills but rather the attitdues and values needed to be subordinate in the workforce by lowering aspriations sp they accept low pay
myth of meritocracy
bowles and gintis argue that the myth of meritocracy is used to make workers believe that they are ona. level playing feild and those who wokr the hardest get the higher places in society
this legistimises class inequality as workers who are exploited are led to beleive that theire low place in society is warranted by the fact that they didnt work hard enough so they dont uprise
when in reality working and rulling classes dont have the same opportunites to succseed
crticisms of the myth of meritocracy
parsons argues that life is meritocratic and meritocracy is neccecary for role allocation ot make sure the most capable people are doing the hardest jobs to keep society running as it is meant to
feinstein evidence of myth of meriotracy
found that by 2 years olf people alreay y have different cognaite ability therfore there is no such thing as a level playing field
willi’s lads
neo marxist study crticises bowles and giniti’s ideas that all pupilsa re clam and dosile and acept the authority
the lads created a counter school subculture and rebelled against the school and its values which is the opposite of subserviance