gender and education internal Flashcards
what internal issues benefit girls over boys in education system
- coursework
- role models
- marketisation
- teach attention
what factors effect genered subject choice?
- gender socialisation
- gendered subject images
- single sex schooling
- peer group pressue
what factors negatively effect boys achievement
- boys and literacy
- decline of male primary school teachers
- laddish subcultures
what limits are there of girls class and achievement
- working class girls stuggle more
- symbolic violence v capital
what is the education gap upon starting school
at end of year one girls are between 7-17% higher in all seven areas of learning assessed particularly more concentrated
what % more likley are girls to pass 5 gcses
10 % more likely
coursework and GCSEs
gorad- girls achievment increased rapidly after the introduction of coursework
mistos and browne found that this is because girls have increased organisational skills despite coursework now being abolished in many subjects girls will outperform boys in GCSEs becuase the system is tailote to subservient organised workers like girls are
criticsm to coursework
girls achievemnt shouldnt be over-exxagerrated the attainment gap closes with just a 1% difference at A-Level
similarly there is an intersectionality between class and gender wehre girls who are on FSMs only 40.6% passed 5 gcses compared to 2/3 of non FSM girls
how do role models affect gender differences in achivement
sewell- feministation of teaching no longer nurtures boysterous behaviour and rewards female traits such as being organised and confroming while demonises male traits such as taking control of discussions
in 2007 only 17% of primary school teachers were male making boys feelas though education was a girl thing
french anf french foudn that 42% of boys said they behave better with a male teacher
critisms of role models
disporportionate amount of female to male teachers isnt reflective of achivement as girls are only 10% points higher than boys at GCSe with the gap closing expontnetially to 1% at A-Level
teacher attention
french and french found that boys recived more attention becuase they attracted more reprimands
francis- while boys got more attention they were disciplined mroe harshly and felt picked on by teachers lowering the expectations they had for themseleves
selection and marketisation policies
jackson found that the introduction of league tables has imporved opporunties for gilrs as high acheveing girls are attractive to schools as they are more likley to get better results than boys at primary school and then be cream skimmed
whereas low achieveming boys more likley to be seen as ‘liability students’
girls end up at better schools and have better teaching and facilities which makes them do better
equal opporunity policies
policy makers are now more tuned in to disparaie sof subject and gendered subject choice
the beleif is now that boys and girls are entitled to same opporunties
introduction of the national cirriculum removed inequalitiy by making girls and boys study the same things
BOALER- these polices have removed barreid for girls achivement and has made education more meriocratic
liberal feminist view on girls achivement
celebrate march of porgress so far and beleive that further progress will be made by increaisng equal opporunity policies
radical feminist view on girls achievemnt
recognise that girls are achiveming more but emphaise that the system is still patriarchal
- sexual harrasment continues
- education still limits girls subject hoice
- secondary school history ciricculum is a womens free zone