ethnicity and education things to learn Flashcards
achievement gap between pupils whos first lanague isnt english and those who it is
only a small gap
in 2010 only 3.2 points ahead
in 2019-2020 what was the attainment 8 score of chineese students
67.6 highest out of all students
black family structure
moniyhan- single black mothers are more likley to be unemployed or work a low wage job which cna make black children lack a succsessfull figure in thier lifestyle that motivates them to do well
swell- lack of fatherly love
criticism of black family strucutre
driver- single blakc mothers encourgae blakc students to work hard at school as they are a strong independent figure that motivates them, esepcially girls to also work hard
material depirvation
palmer found that 1/2 ethnic minoirty children are in poervty compared to 1/4 of white children
les monye to pay for the hidden costs of schooling like trips tutors and textbook ssetting them behind white children who are more likley to afford it
statistic linking exclusions and underachievement
1 in 5 students who have been repeatedly excluded leave school with 5 GCSEs
criticsm of teacher labelling
mirza argues that teacher labelling from a racist sterotypes arent a single factor but are perpetuated by the insitioalsied racism of the whole system
for example a-c economy makes school obsessed with test results and as found by tickly et al leads to children being mor likely to be entered for lower exam tiers
in school procresses
tickly et al found that from their study of 30 school sin the aim higher programme blakc studetns re more likely to be entered for lower exam tiers
gilbourne found that white pupils are 2x more likley to be selected for gifted and teleted programmes than white children
glibourne- ledas of segregation as blakc pupils less likley to be accsepetd into high achieveing schools either due to lower achievemnt in pariamy or not being able to affrod areas with good schools
criticsm of marketsiation
critical race theorists argue that if racism porduces constant underachievemtn whit are chineese pupils so talented?
ethnocentric cirrcululm
gilbourne- promotes little englsnadism
corad- porteatyes blakc people in the past as inferior and so have lower self asteems
criticm of ethnocmentic cicciculum
stone- dont suffer from low self asteem
swell- cant just look at in school but factor ssuch as attitude towards school at home determinign underachievement
asian labelling
archer- asian pupils labelled as achievig the ‘wrong way’ through hard work and not natural ability