Marketing Final Test Flashcards
Cavs vs Warriors 3-1 Lead 2016 NBA FINALS
What is international Business
International business focuses on any commercial activity or transactions between companies, organizations, individuals, or government entities that crosses borders into different countries and regions
Domestic vs international transaction
- A domestic transaction is the selling of items produced in the same countryEx: Buying a bag of McCain frozen fries that are made in Canada
- An international transaction is the selling of items produced in other countries. These items contribute to the global economy.Ex: Buying a leather purse that was made in Italy
5 major benefits to business
- Access to Markets
- Access to Resources
- Cheaper Labor
- Increased Quality of Goods
- Increased Quantity of Goods
Importing vs exporting
- Imports = goods and services that are brought in from another country
- Exports = Goods and services sold to other countries
Exporting is one way that businesses can rapidly expand their: potential market
Global sourcing
Global sourcing → A strategy in which a business buys goods and services from international markets
- Goal is to save money by using cheap raw materials or skilled labor from low-cost countries
Value added
Value added is the difference between how much it costs to make something and how much it’s worth when it’s finished.
Protectionism is when a country puts up barriers to trade with other countries to keep its own industries and jobs safe. It’s like a shield that protects the country’s economy.
Trade barriers
Trade barriers are specific restrictions or limitations placed on international trade for the benefit of a domestic economy. These barriers can take various forms, such as tariffs (taxes on imports), quotas (limits on the quantity or value of imports), and embargos (total bans on specific goods).
Trade surplus vs trade deficit
Balance of trade = difference between a country’s value of imports and value of exports
Exports - Imports = Trade Balance
Exports > Imports = Trade Surplus or positive trade balance (greater than)
Imports > Exports = Trade Deficit or negative trade balance
What is globalization?
Globalization is when different countries and economies become more connected and interdependent through trade, technology, and other means. This can lead to more sharing of ideas, products, and resources, and can help create a more global community. So, it’s like a big team working together to make the world a better place!
Advantages and disadvantages
of globalization
*Brings more products to more places and
*Creates business opportunities
*Can reduce jobs in certain areas of certain countries
*Unequal distribution of wealth
means that most countries rely on others to buy goods and services
3 marketing strategies for global markets
- When a business uses to same marketing strategy from one country to the next
- Example:
Adaptation Strategy
- The adaptation strategy involves making changes in product and/or promotion to meet the target market’s culture, needs and wants
- Example: McDonald’s menu in India and Japan
Customized Strategy
- A customized strategy involves developing a totally new product to meet specific target market needs
- Example: A home appliance company wants to enter markets in a developing country. Your current appliances won’t work, so you will need to develop completely new appliances specifically for this market (manual)
Social costs
- Outsourcing:
Offshore outsourcing occurs when businesses decide to produce all or part of their goods in countries where labor costs are lower
Outsourcing is a business decision made to lower the costs of production or allow businesses to focus on the tasks that they do better
Effect: Loss of domestic jobs - Human rights:
Workers in many poorer countries face a wide range of abuses in the workplace
The Canadian business doing the outsourcing may not even be aware of the abuse and may have little to no control over the situation
Effects: Some workers in poor countries face labor exploitation:
Child labor
Physical abuses
Non-payment/underpayment of wages
Denial of food and health care
Excessive working hours
Unsafe working conditions - Environment Degradation:
Environmental degradation: occurs when natural resources such as trees, habitat, earth, water, air are being consumed faster than nature can replenish them
Sustainable development: process of developing land, cities, businesses, and communities that meet the needs of the present generation without compromising those of the future
Barriers + Obstacles
- Tariffs are taxes on imported goods that increase their prices
- Countries use tariff barriers to protect domestic industries and raise revenue
Currency Fluctuations:
- Currency exchange rates fluctuate daily, making international purchases more or less expensive
Non-Tariff Barriers:
- Non-tariff barriers are standards set for imported goods that are too high for foreign competitors to meet
Cultural Differences:
- Cultural differences can affect international business, and failing to consider these differences can cause problems such as product non-sale, ruined negotiations, derailed marketing campaigns, and labor unrest.
Free-trade agreement
A free trade agreement is a deal between countries to reduce or get rid of trade barriers, like taxes or rules, to make it easier for countries to trade goods and services. It helps countries save money, create jobs, and get access to new markets. It’s like a special deal between friends that makes trading easier and better for everyone!
Types of trade
Bilateral Trade = Trade between 2 or more countries
Multilateral = Trade between 3 or more countries
Trading Blocs = A group of countries that share trade interests
Benefits to Canada
Increasing your competitiveness
Access to new global consumers
Making foreign markets more transparent and stable
Rewarding potential barriers to trade
4 elements of the cultural framework
Verbal vs non-verbal communication
Researchers need to make sure the marketing reaches out to the customers in the exact way it was meant to be communicated
In some cultures, body language is just as important as words being spoken
Need to make sure your slogans/messages translate well
Marketers should ensure that their products/services are not offensive, unlawful, or distasteful to the religion of the local nation
Knowledge of diverse beliefs, norms, holidays, and rituals is critical for an understanding of a foreign market
In certain countries, certain products may not be consumed
Values & Attitudes
Values and attitudes vary between nations, and even vary within nation
The values consumers place on things such as time, achievement, work, wealth, and risk-taking will affect not only the product offered but also the packaging and communication activities
People from different cultures value different things more than others → figure out what those are
Level of education in each international market will vary → impacting the type of message or medium that you employ your marketing though
The level of education in a country has a direct impact on the sophistication of the target customer
For example, in countries with low literacy levels, adversity, may avoid written advertisements, and use radio ads/visual media (billboards)
Things to consider for each of the P’s for an international marketing campaign
*International product decision-making centers on whether to standardize or modify the product for the local market
Quality Many countries specialize in products (reputation), supply of raw materials may be a challenge or opportunity
Design Legal design requirements, translation of packaging, language requirements of packaging, colors, and symbols
Must not offend local market
*The cost of manufacturing, distributing and marketing your product
*The physical location of production plants might influence price
For example, Toyota have plants in their European market and Canada
*Fluctuations in exchange rates affect pricing
*The price that the international consumer is willing to pay for your product
Business environment factors such as government policy, taxation, and tariffs
*Exporting or licensing
*Your own foreign presence
**Setting up sales offices in other countries
*Home manufacture vs foreign
*Shipping infrastructure
*Distribution challenges
*Bodies of water, roads, distance, etc
*Media challenges such as technology availability (radio, Internet, T.V.)
*Language challenges such as literacy rates, and understanding
*Personal selling such as work ethic and training
*Cultural issues such as religion and holidays
*Incorporate familiar elements (celebrities, scenery, popular products, trends, music)
*Benefits of Use
**Markets must show why their product is better than the popular local product (Tim Horton’s versus Dunkin’ Donuts, Harvey’s versus Jollibee)
*Change consumer habits sw