Marketing and Promoting Your Business Flashcards
Affinity group
A group of people who share a common hobby, interest, or activity, or who are united through regular participation in shared outings.
AIDA model
An advertising model that identifies the stages that an individual goes through during the process of purchasing a product; it stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
A website or web page that contains comments, opinions, and observations—often written in a conversational, chronological format—by an individual or small group.
A name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products, is the face your agency presents to the world and is the sum total of who you are and how you connect to your target market.
Business development manager (BDM)
A person who represents a business entity and who works to promote it by informing others about its products and services; a point of contact for a business entity.
Cost per thousand (CPM)
The price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one web page. (also referred to as cost per mile)
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Software that allows agents to create and maintain an extensive database covering special interests and travel patterns.
Co-op funds
Money provided by a supplier, vendor, or other travel partner to share in advertising and other promotional activities.
Measurable characteristics—such as age, gender, marital status, income, education, race or ethnicity, religion, household size, and employment or occupation—used to group people with similar characteristics together.
Destination management organization (DMO)
A local organization specializing in managing and promoting its destination.
Elevator speech
A short and persuasive description of your product and service that is used to market yourself in a short time (30 to 60 seconds).
Familiarization (FAM) trip
A trip offered to travel professionals at a reduced rate so they can inspect and experience hotels, resorts, restaurants, and destinations and can sample area attractions and services.
Familiarization (FAM) trip
A trip offered to travel professionals at a reduced rate so they can inspect and experience hotels, resorts, restaurants, and destinations and can sample area attractions and services.
Foreign independent tour - A tour for which the travel professional books all elements and designs a unique and individualized itinerary selected to meet the specific requests and needs of the individual traveler.
Focus group
A small group of customers gathered together with a trained moderator to discuss a particular topic, product, or issue.
Four Ps of marketing
The four characteristics of a business—Product, Promotion, Place, and Price—that make up the marketing mix.
Keyword domain name
Wording made up of two or more keywords that web surfers use to find information in a search engine.
A unique symbol, image, or wording that defines your brand and aligns with you and your special interest products.
A series of decisions and actions taken by a seller to create a match between consumers’ preferences and a product.
Marketing mix
A combination of the seven Ps of marketing—employed while keeping the customer at the center—that provides you with the most effective marketing plan.
Marketing plan
A document that defines your market, outlines your strategies, sets your goals and establishes a framework for assessing the success of your efforts.
Marketing process
The method used to examine the marketplace, deeply understand a target market, devise and execute a marketing plan and gather information to help analyze the effectiveness of marketing
Media planning
The process of matching your message with the medium that has the largest reach of people you have targeted.
A written publication containing news or other information about an individual or organization that is sent on a regular basis to members of the organization or other interested persons.
News release (formerly called press release)
A formal printed announcement by a company about its activities that is written in the form of a news article and given to the news media.
A highly specialized segment of the travel market, defined by the common characteristics that a group of potential travelers shares, such as an affinity group with a unique special interest.
Pay per click (PPC)
A model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.
The individuals and relationships—your internal resources—that help you deliver your brand and product.
Physical evidence
Clients’ experiences, feedback, quotes, endorsements, and so on to use in promotions through all marketing platforms.
Pied Piper
Group leader who is well respected and liked in a particular industry or area of interest and who will attract fellow travelers just by having his or her name connected with an activity.
Where you will sell your product.
How much you will charge for what you are selling.
A system that helps ensure the efficient delivery of your service and product.
What you intend to sell.
Product mix
The products or destinations your agency will focus on, along with their benefits.
How you will sell your product.
Characteristics—such as values, attitudes, interests, behaviors, and lifestyle—used to group people with similar characteristics together.
Public relations
A core promotion strategy that primarily involves sending news releases to newspapers, magazines, and radio stations.
Messages issued on behalf of a product or business.
Relationship marketing
A type of marketing that focuses less on selling and more on fostering loyalty and developing long-term, meaningful relationships with current prospective clients.
Search engine
Program that indexes documents and then attempts to match any documents relevant to the user’s search requests.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
A method of increasing the number of visitors to a website in which the search engine lists search results by relevance to the keyword search; web surfers tend to use links located near the top of the list.
Search engine results page (SERP)
A page displayed by search engines responding to a user’s query.
Seven Ps of marketing
The seven characteristics of a business—Product, Promotion, Place, Price, People, Process, and Physical evidence—that make up the marketing mix.
Social media
Electronic communication, websites, and applications used to share information and develop professional and personal connections; online communication in the form of social communities, online chat groups, digests, bulletin boards, forums, chat rooms, and so on.
Social media influencer
A user of social media who has established credibility or a reputation because of knowledge and expertise on a particular topic; a person who may have the power to affect buying decisions based on knowledge and expertise.
Social proof
The idea that, because so many people behave or feel a certain way, it must be the correct behavior or feeling; therefore, comments, testimonials, and reviews affect the buying behavior of consumers—both positively and negatively.
A list of questions intended to gather important information from current and prospective clients.
Target market
The group of potential clients who will be the focus of a company’s marketing efforts.
Travel night
An event hosted to bring a target market together for a presentation on a specific destination, product, or service.
Tourism board
The official organization that promotes a city, country, or region and encourages visitors through its efforts.
Unique value proposition (UVP)
Your unique qualities, certifications, knowledge, and experience that are the reasons clients should award their business to you; it establishes your brand.
Uniform resource locator (URL)
A web address that uniquely identifies a resource on the internet.
The relationship between the price your clients pay and the benefits they receive; it reflects the client’s perception of the degree to which the benefits exceed the costs.
Viral marketing
Network-enhanced word of mouth that is a strategy many webpreneurs use to drive traffic to their website.
Video blog
An entrepreneur whose business relates to the internet or Web.
A page or group of pages on the internet maintained by an individual or organization; web pages that share one domain name to represent an individual or organization online.