Marketing and Promoting your business Flashcards
Affinity Group
A group of people who share a common hobby, interest, or activity,
or who are united through regular participation in shared outings.
An advertising model that identifies the stages that an individual goes through during the process of purchasing a product; it stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
Blog (Shortened form of web log)
A website or web page that contains comments, opinions, and observations—often written in a conversational, chronological format—by an individual or small group.
A name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products, is the face your agency presents to the world and is the sum total of who you are and how you connect to your target market.
A person who represents a business entity and who works to promote it by informing others about its products and services; a point of contact for a business entity.
Cost per thousand (cost per mile)
The price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one web page.
Customer Relationship Manager CRM
Software that allows agents to create and maintain an extensive database covering special interests and travel patterns.
Co-op funding
Money provided by a supplier, vendor, or other travel partner to share in advertising and other promotional activities.
Measurable characteristics—such as age, gender, marital status, income, education, race or ethnicity, religion, household size, and employment or occupation—used to group people with similar characteristics together.
Destination Management Organization - DMO
A local organization specializing in managing and promoting its destination.
Elevator Speech
A short and persuasive description of your product and service that is used to market yourself in a short time (30 to 60 seconds).
FAM trip
A trip offered to travel professionals at a reduced rate so they can inspect and experience hotels, resorts, restaurants, and destinations and can sample area attractions and services.
FIT - Foreign independent tour
A tour for which the travel professional books all elements and designs a unique and individualized itinerary selected to meet the specific requests and needs of the individual traveler.
Focus Group
A small group of customers gathered together with a trained moderator to discuss a particular topic, product, or issue.
Four P’s of Marketing
The four characteristics of a business—Product, Promotion, Place, and Price—that make up the marketing mix.
Keyword Domain name
Wording made up of two or more keywords that web surfers use to find information in a search engine.
A unique symbol, image, or wording that defines your brand and aligns with you and your special interest products.