Marine Chemistry Flashcards
Properties of water
polar substance - relatively high
strong dissolver of polar substances
highest surface tension of all liquids- except Hg- Important as capillary action in plants
Highest heat capacity of all liquids (except NH3)- prevents rapid fluctuations in temperature
latent heat of fusion- highest of all solids and liquids- heat transfer at poles- keeps polar ice caps cold
latent heat of evaportion- highest- heat transfer and evaportaiton
thermal expansion-15% greater than Hg- sea levels rise
Transparency- high- photosynthesis
Latent heat of fusion
amount of thermal energy required to change the state of a liquid to solid or gas to liquid
Photosynthesis happens where
top 30cm of ocean
water + salt means
higher density lower freezing point higher boiling point increases electrical conductivity increases viscosity
mass of sea water that is water
• The quantity of dissolved inorganic salts in the
• Measured in ppt (‰) - g of inorganic dissolved
ions in 1 kg seawater – generally 34-37 ppt
• Measured by titration, or by conductivity
Measuring salinity using chlorinity
• Chlorinity is a measure of the amount of chlorine in seawater, which is directly proportional to the salinity • Measured via titration • An accurate method independent of temperature & pressure
Factors that influence salinity
evaporation, freezing -> ↑ salinity
rainfall, runoff, snowfall -> ↓ salinity
Why measure salinity?
• Salinity affects:
• the density of water (and hence oceanic circulation)
• the rate and equilibrium state of chemical reactions
• Dissolved inorganic ions in seawater can alter
the solubility of substances in the ocean
chemical equilibrium
Chemical equilibrium is where there is no net
change over time in the chemical activities or
concentrations of the reactants and products
aA + bB ⇔ cC + dD
Ionic strength (I)
The influence of ions in a solvent on solubility is measured by ionic strength (I). I = 0.5 Σ mi zi 2 m = molality: concentration in z = ion charge/valence
Why calculate I?
• Property of H2O is high polarity & readily dissolves polar solids • As I ↑, amount of charged particles in H2O ↑ and solubility of polar substances and proteins increases (to a point)
Chemical equilibrium at I=0
• For solvents with low ion concentrations (e.g.
pure water, river water), dissolved substances
behave “ideally” :
aA + bB ⇔ cC + dD
• We can ignore the influence of dissolved ions
and determine the equilibrium point as follows:
Keq = [C]c[D]d / [A]a[B]b
Chemical equilibrium at I>0
• When I>0 reactants & products behave in an
“unideal” manner and K based on
concentrations is wrong
• Equilibrium constant now written as:
• Keq = {C}c{D}d / {A}a{B}b
• {} = ion activity, total concentrations must be
corrected by ionic strength effects to work out
the equilibrium point in salt water
Ionic Activity
• A measure of how ions in a non-ideal reaction
Ionic strength
a measure of the concentration
of dissolved ions in a solution
Ionic activity
describes how ions behave
Implications of increasing salinity
Increasing salinity in freshwater systems may increase phosphate solubility (Nielsen et al 2003). Solubility of complex metals may increase along an estuary (Gerringa et al 2001). Dissolved nutrients and metals may be toxic to biota
Summary seawater properties
• Water is a polar substance with a unique
combination of properties which make water
essential to life on Earth
• Seawater has consistent ionic composition
• Salinity alters the equilibrium state of reactions,
esp. the solubility of polar substances &
Euphotic zone:
enough light to
levels of light,
insufficient for
Light availability & primary production
Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view
Light attenuation
• With no scattering,
light is attenuated
exponentially through the water column:
• IZ = I0 exp(-Kd dz)
• Iz [Watts m-2] is the light at a depth z, dz [m]
below I0
• I0 [Watts m-2] light at top of the water column
• Kd [m-1] is the attenuation coefficient
Factors that influence Kd
→ Kd = Kw + KTSS . TSS + KChl . Chl
TSS: concentration of Total Suspended Solids [kg.m-3]
kTSS - TSS-specific att. coef. ~ 30 m2 kg-1
Chl: concentration of Chlorophyll (Chl a) [mg.m-3]
kChl - Chl-specific att. coef. ~ 0.02 m2 mg (Chl a)-1
Kw: attenuation coefficient of pure H2O ≈ 0.04 m-1
Measuring light attenuation & Kd
- Secchi disc
* Light meter
Summary light transmission
• Light attenuates exponentially with depth
• All photosynthesis occurs within photic zone
(depth to which 1% available light penetrates)
• Attenuation quantified by Kd
• High K = rapid attenuation
Biogeochemical cycles
The transport and transformation of elements or
compounds as a result of biological, chemical and
geological processes
Element pools (reservoirs) and fluxes
• Understanding these allows us to create a budget
Closed systems:
new nutrients are not added to the
system and must be recycled
Positive flux
source (elements flow out)
Negative flux
sink (more in than out)
The ocean is a CO2…
– CO2 highly soluble in seawater
– 60 times more CO2 in the ocean
than the atmosphere
• Coal deposits are a CO2 source
• DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) – CO2, HCO3 (≈ 90%), CO3 2- (≈ 9%) • DIC : organic carbon ≈ 40 : 1
Research into C cycle involves huge
international collaborations:
– JGOFS: Joint Global Ocean Flux Study
– IPCC: Inter-governmental Panel for
Climate Change