March Flashcards
Indications for rapid renal dialysis?
Acidosis <7.2 Electrolyte imbalance K+>7 Intoxications (poisons) Overload (pulm edema) Uraemia
Symptoms of uraemia?
Confusion, reduced GCS Pericarditis (chest pain, fever) Lethargy Weight loss Peripheral neuropathy Puritis
If a patient’s hypertension gets worse after giving ACEi, what should you think about?
Renovascular disease
Features of nephritic and nephrotic syndromes
Both have edema
Nephritic has more haematuria, hypertension and AKI (some proteinuria)
Nephrotic has more proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia, dyslipidaemia,
Describe complications of post-op renal transplant
Post-op comlications - bleeding, infection, anastamotic leak
Hyper-acute rejection (mins) - ABO incompatibility, thrombosis, SIRS
Acute rejection (6 months) - rising Crt, fever, pain, (cell-mediated response) [immunsx works]
Chronic rejection (>6 months) - fibrosis and atrophy of graft (gradual rise in Crt + proteinuria) [immunsx not effective]