Gastroenterology - ASM Flashcards
What electrolyte imbalances can cause constipation?
What endocrine cause can cause constipation
Commonest age for IBS
20-30 y/o
Pathophysiology of achalasia
Degeneration of myenteric plexus causing reduced peristalsis in esophagus causing inability to relax lower esophageal sphincter
How to test for H pylori?
Breath carbon urea testing or antigen stool test
Erradication therapy for HPylori?
7 day, BD course of
1) PPI
2) amoxicillin
3) clarithromycin or metronidazole
What to do with PPI if someone needs OGD for peptic ulcer disease investigation?
Stop PPI 2 weeks before
Which type of hiatus hernia should always be treated surgically?
Rolling hiatus hernia, due to risk of strangulation
Management for GORD?
Full dose ppi for 1-2 months - 30mg lansoprazole/omeprazole OD
If no response - double dose BD
If no response - add H2RA (ranitidine 300mg nocte)
Pathophysiology of GORD
LOS dysfunction causing reflux of gastric contents into oesophagus causing oesophagitis.
Differentials for rectal bleeding
Diverticular disease Rectal haemorrhoids Infection - bacterial gastroenteritis Polyps Inflammation - UC & Crohns Neoplasia Gastric upper bleeding Angio - ischaemic colitic,
Driping arse
What needs to be done in massive upper gi bleeding?
ABCDE approach
2x large bore cannulas 1L saline STAT G&S Terlipressin Antibiotics
Endoscopy -> PPI IV after, keep NBM24hrs
What causes dark urine and pale stools?
Hepatic or post-hepatic jaundice.
Conjugated + urobillinogen in urine - hepatic
Conjugated bilinogen in urine - post-hepatic
Pale stools - obstruction of bile duct, no stercobilin in stools
why does liver cirrhosis cause gynaecomastia?
cause the liver metabolises estrogen, when that fails, estrogen builds up causing gynacomastia,
what are signs of liver cirrhosis associated with estrogen build up
gynaecomastia, loss of secondary sexual hair, spider naevi, palmar erythema, hypogonadism,
what can be seen on LFTs in someone with liver cirrhosis
increased ALT and AST, decreased albumin
complications of liver cirrhosis
splenomegaly ascites variceals encephalopathy SBP HCC liver failure
what happens to serum glucose in liver failure/cirrhosis
what FBC results indicate hypersplenism
decreased WCC and Platelets
how to investigate for SBP
ascitic tap looking for neutrophils (PMNs)
blood marker for HCC
why do U&Es in liver failure
look for hepatorenal syndrome