MAPEH Abstractionism Flashcards
It exaggerates, is simplified or distorted.
Composition exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.
Abstractionism Work
Oval Still Life (Le Violin) by Georges Braque
Abstractionism Sub Movements
- Cubism
- Futurism
- Mechanical Style
- Non-objectivism
Artworks were a play of planes and angles on a flat surface. (cubes)
A sense of imbalance and misplacement that created immediate visual impact.
Cubism Works
- Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso
- Girl Before A Mirror by Pablo Picasso
The result of the futurist movement. Basic forms such as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together precisely and neatly in their appointed places.
Mechanical Style
Futurism began in (blank) in the early 1900s.
Arts were created for a fast-paced, machine-propelled age.
Futurism Work
Armored Train by Gino Severini
Mechanical Style Work
The City by Fernand Leger
Also known as “CONCRETE ART”.
Lines, shapes, and colors were used in a cool, impersonal approach that aimed for balance, unity, and stability.
Non-objectivism Work
New York City by Piet Mondrian