Manual Therapy Quiz Flashcards
A 35 year old retired, professional, male Irish dancer presents with radiographically confirmed osteoarthritis of L 1st MTP joint and a history of multiple ‘turf toe’ injuries during professional career.
c/o 8/12 h/o joint line pain (0-4/10) and significant stiffness, worse in morning. Has recently noticed pain during push-off phase of walking.
o/obs increased shoe wear on medial instep of L shoe
Gait – toes out excessively. Push-off L – rolls off medial foot.
What joint mobilisation of 1st MTP would be appropriate for treatment and at what grade?
PA glide x Gr II, PA glide x Gr III
42 year old female triathlete presents with 4/12 history of medial Achilles tendon pain (posterior ankle). Aggravated by running but pain ‘warms up’ during run (0-6/10). Worse again after she cools down. A.M. – always painful morning after training. Eased by stretching
o/obs overpronated bilaterally (dropped navicular height)
Flexibility – tight soleus and gastrocs
o/palp TrP medial soleus
Physiological STJ movement – painless but limited as expected due to medial calf shortening
What subtalar joint mobilisation would be appropriate and at what grade?
Subtalar joint eversion x Gr IV
If another patient with a Colles fracture reported the following functional difficulties due to painless joint stiffness, what might be the appropriate glides at relevant joints?
- Brushing hair
PA of ulna - DRUJ,
Lateral glide of carpus - radiocarpal joint,
Medial glide of carpus - radiocarpal joint,
PA glide of carpus - radiocarpal joint,
AP glide of carpus - radiocarpal joint
If another patient with a Colles fracture reported the following functional difficulties due to painless joint stiffness, what might be the appropriate glides at relevant joints?
- Turning a key in a door (to unlock
PA of ulna - DRUJ,
Lateral glide of carpus - radiocarpal joint,
PA glide of carpus - radiocarpal joint
65 year old woman presents 3/52 post coming out of POP following a Colles fracture c/o wrist stiffness & pain (0-5/10)
o/e Physiological Wrist ROM limited by stiffness and moderate EOR pain: Ext & Radial Deviation are worst affected movements
Now that you have chosen accessory glides of radiocarpal joint to use for treatment, consider which grades could be appropriate to start with?
Grade II, Grade III
Pronation is accompanied by AP of radius at Superior RU joint at the elbow. Rotation of the forearm can only occur via movement at both radioulnar joints. In which direction will the ulnar head glide within the DRUJ, during pronation?
what movements are involved in the radiocarpal and metacarpal joints
radial deviation
ulnar deviation
what movements are involved in the distal radial ulnar joints
describe the position needed to prepare for AP glide of RC joint
downward glide if forearm in supinated position.
describe the position needed to prepare for PA glide of RC joint
downward glide if forearm in pronated position
describe the position needed to prepare for medial glide of DRUJ joint
downward glide if forearm in midprone position.
describe the position needed to prepare for lateral glide of DRUJ joint
upward glide if forearm in midprone position.
list the carpal bones surrounding the capitate from dorsal view in clockwise order
list first 5 kaltenborn 10
- Fixate capitate, move trapezoid
- Fixate capitate, move scaphoid
- Fixate capitate, move lunate
- Fixate capitate, move hamate
- Fixate scaphoid, move trapezoid & trapezium
what joints are involved in the inversion and eversion movement of the foot
subtalar (talocalcaneal joint)
midtarsal joints (talocalcaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid)
what joints are involved in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
midtarsal - talocalaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid
tarsometatarsal joint
42 year old female triathlete presents with 4/12 history of medial Achilles tendon pain (posterior ankle). Aggravated by running but pain ‘warms up’ during run (0-6/10). Worse again after she cools down. A.M. – always painful morning after training. Eased by stretching
o/obs overpronated bilaterally (dropped navicular height)
Flexibility – tight soleus and gastrocs
o/palp TrP medial soleus
Physiological STJ movement – painless but limited as expected due to medial calf shortening
midtarsal joint - AP/PA grade III/IV
close pack position = full supination
A 35 year old retired, professional, male Irish dancer presents with radiographically confirmed osteoarthritis of L 1st MTP joint and a history of multiple ‘turf toe’ injuries during professional career.
c/o 8/12 h/o joint line pain (0-4/10) and significant stiffness, worse in morning. Has recently noticed pain during push-off phase of walking.
o/obs increased shoe wear on medial instep of L shoe
Gait – toes out excessively. Push-off L – rolls off medial foot.
A 42 year old female rugby referee presents 10/52 following a navicular fracture (macrotrauma from contact) reporting difficulty walking or light jogging on any uneven ground. Undisplaced fracture was successfully treated conservatively with POP.
1. Which structures (joint & soft tissues) could be limiting this?
deltoid ligament:
- anterior tibiotalar
- tibiotalar
- tibionavicular
- tibiocalcaneus
plantarcalcaneonavicular ligament
A 42 year old female rugby referee presents 10/52 following a navicular fracture (macrotrauma from contact) reporting difficulty walking or light jogging on any uneven ground. Undisplaced fracture was successfully treated conservatively with POP.. In the case of articular stiffness being the cause, what joint mobilisation(s) would be appropriate and at what grade?
midtarsal - talocancaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint AP/PA glides
describe the important anatomical landmarks for a cervicothoracic spine massage
anterior triangle of neck - anterior margin of SCM, inferior margin of mandible, mideline of neck
major muscles - paravertebral muscles, scalence, SCM, trapezius
what should be avoided during a cervicothoracic spine massage
carotid sinus- decrease blood pressure, fainting
electrical modalities for wound healing
modalities for providing an electric current
modalities temperature
heat pack
cold pack
function of laser
function of heat
increase ROM
pain relief
muscle relaxation
increase blood flow
function of cold
reduce swelling
pain relief
purpose of TENS
pain relief - endogenous opiates
purpose of NMES
muscle strengthening
purpose of shockwave
promote healing